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View Full Version : prozac 5 weeks in

05-10-07, 11:08
ok have been on 40mg of prozac for 5 weeks,and was on 20mg for about 2 weeks before that,taking it for social anxiety.
i have had no feelings this drug is working,no confident episodes outside, no running to the shops skipping with joy:ohmy: ok i know the effects are supposed to be subtle but i think 5 weeks i should have felt some improvement..all i have felt is increased tension,and tremor..not good for someone with sa in the first place.
not sure what im asking for here as i tend to make my own decisions and would of stopped em 3 weeks ago but its only cos my shrink thinks they are the best for sa and i have read on www that prozac can sometimes take longer to kick in,but cmon 5weeks plus is long enough....if you can feed me some info that you was on it for longer to kick in i may just stay on another week otherwise its a trip to shrink to try the next on the list.

05-10-07, 12:06
:) hi i was on prozac for 12 months back in 2001 i remember it well i started them on my 29th birthday oct 2nd. all i know is by cristmas i felt wonderful better then i could have imagined, so it took a couple of months 4 me to feel better and worth the wait.:flowers:

05-10-07, 12:13
I can honestly say I felt the same as you. Worse before I got better. Took about 8 weeks in my case to feel the positive effects of them.

Kay x

05-10-07, 13:47
I have just ended my fourth week on them but not sure yet if they are helping me. Definite increase in anxiety/jitterness, like on the verge of a panic attack but never quite get there! Off to docs today for repeat prescription and going to ask if I should be getting any benefit by now....

05-10-07, 16:06
so we are looking at 8 weeks for viv and 8 weeks for kay,was you put on 40 mg or had the dose increased gradually?

danniboy,i think your in the same boat as me,we r gonna have to slog it out a while longer,let me know what your gp says anyways.



05-10-07, 16:15
hi i was on 20mg from start to finish:) viv x

07-10-07, 20:30
Hi Pete69
I'm continuing on the Prozac for the next few weeks, still having some side effects, jittery/anxious etc... but doc said could be around 6-8 weeks before positive benefits are felt, might be that the dose needs changing. I think it's a case of sit tight and wait and see. I'm on week five now so hoping for some improvement soon...

07-10-07, 22:58
I've been on Fluoxetine for almost 3 monthes now. Things are starting to be great and my boyfriend has noticed the difference. You will still have your ups and down days at the stage of treatment that your at:D .

08-10-07, 09:18
hi pete, i have taken prozac for a long time and it works wonders for me. As far as i can remember it took a couple of months to kick in properly. I still have bad days (or bad few days) but it really takes the anxiety away for me. I did feel worse before i felt better, so it might be worth you sticking it out a bit longer.


09-10-07, 14:10
thx for the replys,seems the 2 weeks they put on the leaflet is a total load of b.s then! 8 weeks seems to be the norm.
have just checked the dates again and actually today is the end of week4 so i made a mistake.most unlike me:ohmy: so i am half way there...luckily my gp also gives me klonopin(rivotril)so this does help excellent with the shaking n tension i get.so its just grin n plod on.

i will stick with them as come dec/jan im hoping to see if im well enough to have a career change,as at the mo im self employed gardener and winter is slow and socially theres not much interaction,so if the prozac can help me out things could all be on the move...watch this space.

29-10-07, 12:55
I have just started taking fluoxetine 3 days ago and I am not too encouraged to see just how long they take to kick in!

15-11-07, 12:02
Hi everyone

Just wanted to say that it does take a while for Prozac to work...when i took it before it took about 8 weeks to start working...
I remember thinking the same...'its got to start working soon!'...'its been 3 weeks, then 4 weeks,5 weeks'...'what if it don't work'...eventually it did and it was worth it.

I can see why it can be good for SA even though i dont suffer from it...but i felt i could do or face anything without any fear at all.

So thats my twopence worth..thought it might help as i know how hard it is waiting for something to work, and it would be good to hear how you are getting on.

All the best

15-11-07, 12:39
Hi Pete,

I've just come off prozac after being on it for a year, It can take a while to work so give it plenty of time. Just be careful that it doesn't mask your symptoms , as you've really get to the bottom of dealing with them, but they are great for getting you through the really bad times. xx