View Full Version : Terrified of DVT, warm sensations in calf/ankle

20-02-20, 12:41
Hello all,

As the aforementioned title suggests I have this strong warm feeling that appears in my calf/ankle, internal, that lasts for maybe 5 seconds then fades. Happens like 3-4x an hour for the last few days. Usually when resting.

I suffer from really bad health anxiety from time to time and have also been diagnosed with GAD.
I split with my long term partner 2 weeks ago, which as you can expect is very stressful and anxiety filled.
Not been getting anything like regular sleep since then, sometimes like 2 hours a night (although got that up to 5 hours broken now!). I have not been as active as i usually am over the last week, lots of sitting around at my mums, not been in work either.
I also suffer from long term lower back issues (stiffness/pain).
Not sure how any of this would impact my calf sensations?

I am pretty fit and healthy other than the obvious and there is no pain, swelling, discoloration or redness around the area.

I'm terrified this could be something more serious like dvt and blood clots as my ex-partner had them about 6 months ago so I am focussing on it constantly. Anyone else ever experienced something similar? Could anxiety, stress or fatigue ever cause this?

Thank you all

20-02-20, 22:22
Hello all,

As the aforementioned title suggests I have this strong warm feeling that appears in my calf/ankle, internal, that lasts for maybe 5 seconds then fades. Happens like 3-4x an hour for the last few days. Usually when resting.

I suffer from really bad health anxiety from time to time and have also been diagnosed with GAD.
I split with my long term partner 2 weeks ago, which as you can expect is very stressful and anxiety filled.
Not been getting anything like regular sleep since then, sometimes like 2 hours a night (although got that up to 5 hours broken now!). I have not been as active as i usually am over the last week, lots of sitting around at my mums, not been in work either.
I also suffer from long term lower back issues (stiffness/pain).
Not sure how any of this would impact my calf sensations?

I am pretty fit and healthy other than the obvious and there is no pain, swelling, discoloration or redness around the area.

I'm terrified this could be something more serious like dvt and blood clots as my ex-partner had them about 6 months ago so I am focussing on it constantly. Anyone else ever experienced something similar? Could anxiety, stress or fatigue ever cause this?

Thank you all

If you had a blood clot, the area would be red, warm to the touch, swollen and you wouldn't be able to walk.

21-02-20, 09:24
Thanks for the reply utrocket. It's a very odd sensation, 4 days in and still getting it regularly. Like a cup of hot tea being poured down my right calf to the ankle then nothing for a bit..

Has anyone else on here experienced anything similar I wonder?

30-05-21, 01:20
Thanks for the reply utrocket. It's a very odd sensation, 4 days in and still getting it regularly. Like a cup of hot tea being poured down my right calf to the ankle then nothing for a bit..

Has anyone else on here experienced anything similar I wonder?

I'm actually experiencing this very thing right now

30-05-21, 03:07
I have experienced a similar feeling in several parts of my body. I have gotten it on my legs, arms and occasionally in my chest. It freaked me out at first but its probably just one of those things. If it makes you feel better the first time I experienced it was many years ago (also many years before my health anxiety started) and I am still here.