View Full Version : Julian Assange's USA Extradition

20-02-20, 21:19
I hear Julian's hearing is beginning next week. Any guesses if he will be extradited to the US? Should he be? I'm a fan of Ed Snowden. I don't call him a hero but I do call him a patriot. He told the country that our own government is spying on us. Assange is a little different he gave away security secrets of nations. I'm a bit torn on the subject. You?


20-02-20, 22:31

20-02-20, 23:11
I find the story about the pardon dangled for denying Russian interference interesting.

Positive thoughts

20-02-20, 23:33
Yeah I heard something like that too, FMP. But not for Assange denying Russian interference but for evidence he could provide to discount the Russian interference claim.

21-02-20, 01:21
Hey Ankietyjoe, is your apathy in regard to governments spying on citizens or just about the fate of Assange?

Because I don't think Orwell was too far off especially in light of today's media and technology.

Check out the clip of the film 1984 below. I think it can happen.


21-02-20, 11:20
Hey Ankietyjoe, is your apathy in regard to governments spying on citizens or just about the fate of Assange?

Because I don't think Orwell was too far off especially in light of today's media and technology.

Check out the clip of the film 1984 below. I think it can happen.


I watch this film religiously. People really need to read Animal Farm too. It's all about politics and corruption.

21-02-20, 11:21

21-02-20, 11:28
Yes Wired, that's the original 1956 version. According to Wiki it was funded by the CIA. but you have to remember that was long before the CIA was taken over by global communist which is what we have now. So basically the CIA back then was the polar opposite of the CIA today. The CIA of today and their ilk are the ones perpetrating the idea of 1984.

21-02-20, 11:30
Another really good version of the movie is the one that was actually made in 1984. It was Richard Burton's last film and also starred the late great John Hurt. A bone-chilling movie actually.

21-02-20, 12:50
Yes Wired, that's the original 1956 version. According to Wiki it was funded by the CIA. but you have to remember that was long before the CIA was taken over by global communist which is what we have now. So basically the CIA back then was the polar opposite of the CIA today. The CIA of today and their ilk are the ones perpetrating the idea of 1984.

I wasn't aware there was talk it was funded by the CIA. Yes I do love the 1984 version. It's better than the one I posted, but I am fond of the original too.

21-02-20, 12:51
Same here.

21-02-20, 13:49
Hey Ankietyjoe, is your apathy in regard to governments spying on citizens or just about the fate of Assange?

Because I don't think Orwell was too far off especially in light of today's media and technology.

Check out the clip of the film 1984 below. I think it can happen.


I worry about things I can do something about.

If I can't do anything about it, there is no value in me worrying about it. At all.

I also don't really engage in the media, and in turn the media doesn't affect me.

21-02-20, 14:19
For me it's kind of the opposite. I don't worry about things I can do something about... because I can do something about them. But things I can't do anything about I may worry about.

But worrying about anything at all is useless and counterproductive. I have a saying on my refrigerator. "Don't tell me that worrying doesn't work because everything that I worry about never happens."

But I digress... I take it that the Assange story isn't very big in GB.

21-02-20, 14:37
But I digress... I take it that the Assange story isn't very big in GB.

It gets reported but I suspect most people couldn't give a monkey's. The press are also more interested in the extradition for the death of the young lad by the American woman who the military spirited away to prevent being charged that the US has been blocking.

21-02-20, 14:37
I watch this film religiously. People really need to read Animal Farm too. It's all about politics and corruption.

Alternatively just watch the Parliament channel. :winks::whistles:

21-02-20, 14:52
Yes I remember reading something about that here, Terry. Isn't she connected or something like that?

21-02-20, 14:59
Well she was flown from one of your bases very quickly after it happened. I've seen the media saying she may have CIA links. But the US is famous for not extraditing it's citizens anyway isn't it?

Lets have a deal. Send her over and we will give you prince Andrew...some of us would even help back his bags :winks:

22-02-20, 12:46
Alternatively just watch the Parliament channel. :winks::whistles:

The only thing I liked about watching Parliament was hearing Bercow scream "Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrder". Apart from that he's a **** :whistles:

We're in the thick of 1984. In 1984, we was in Orwell's 1984. People don't quite understand how long they've been over watched by the all watchful eye since WW2. Infact, since WW1. Orwell knew that and could see where it's going. Today many can see the way the world is heading. But, it's easier to bury your head in the sand, and worry about or enjoy the things in the present. Sometimes you just want to taste the steak and beer.

I avoid media. It's all slanted BS.

22-02-20, 12:48
Lets have a deal. Send her over and we will give you prince Andrew...some of us would even help back his bags :winks:

That's a very reasonable deal. But, Trump doesn't want his dirt dug up. Those with money in the elite are all dirty *******s.

What happened with Afrika Bambaataa's case? He seems to be wiped from Google but I don't recall his case being dropped. Put "Afrika Bambaataa pedophile" in Google. KRS defended him. Also Richard Stallman stuck up for Epstein then having to leave his teaching position.

All these people I looked up to are pedophiles, or pedophile sympathizers.