View Full Version : Odd experience. Need help

Elly 2
05-10-07, 16:02
I was in a shop today and was fine until a person engaged me in conversation. I suddenly got a heavy feeling in my chest, went as white as a sheet and very light headed. The lady asked if I was ok but I had to get out. I came home, had a brew and felt a bit better. Later on I walked to the local shop where I know the owner and blow me down if it didn't happen again. I shot out of the shop, I couldn't get home fast enough. The shop owner rang me to see if I was ok, she said I looked awful, she said she could see the colour drain from my face. Do you think this was a pa or something else. It seems to happen if I have to stand for any length of time. Your comments would be very much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance

05-10-07, 17:04
Hi Elly, gosh sorry to hear about how you felt today, sounds pretty horrible I have to say. The first thing that came to my mind was that yes it certainly does sound like a panic attack and I wonder if it was because both times you were in a situation where you were talking to someone and perhaps subconsciouly you felt trapped? I know I've had plenty of times when I've been out somewhere or just in the front garden and felt right as rain and then someone has started to talk to me and I find myself just getting very antsy and starting to worry that I will have a panic attack before they have finished talking to me and that I'll make an idiot of myself by having to rush off. If you are very worried about it then it might be worth having a word with your GP just to put your mind at rest but it does sound like anxiety.

Elly 2
05-10-07, 17:15
Thankyou so much for that, you are probably right. For some reason I find that if I stand up for any length of time, I start to get the weird feelings and certainly that I am going to faint which I suppose is causing me to panic. I just wondered if anyone else gets the same thing?

05-10-07, 17:15
Totally agree with Lyn here,sounds like you had a panic attack sweety.If it continues or you are worried see your gp.They are really scarey when you have them.Most of us get them here and we know what you are going through.
Big Hug:hugs: :hugs:

05-10-07, 17:48
Hello :)

Yep it sure sounds like Panic Attacks. I always used to get them in shops...at the checkout. Was fine before and fine after.

Most important thing (In my opinion) is to try really hard not to let it stop you from going to the shops, and the situations it happens in. The sooner you go back to the shops, the better. You may well have it happen again, but do your best to stick it out and don't run out. If you are firm with yourself, they disappear pretty quickly.

I used to have to force myself to go to the shop every day when I was really bad. At first I'd just buy one or two things, and always paid cash so I didn't have to stand too long at the till. Take it slowly but keep working on it.

Good luck :) xxx

Elly 2
05-10-07, 19:12
Thankyou all and oh what a relief, I really thought it was something much worse. I am going to try tomorrow to go shopping again! I can't let this get the better of me. Watch this space......... I WILL beat it.
Thankyou for your support

05-10-07, 22:08
Hi Elly

Ths has happened to me so many times darling that i wish had a pound for every time.

A little tip for you if it happens again have some strong mints in your bag, ready for the dizzy feeling and pop 1 in your mouth and concentrate on how strong it is, and before you know it the feeling has passed.
Panic is all about being scared, thats what feeds it, so try and stay in the shop or where ever it happens hunnie, and before you know it ...its gone.


luv tracie xx

06-10-07, 09:37
Hello :)

Yep it sure sounds like Panic Attacks. I always used to get them in shops...at the checkout. Was fine before and fine after.

Oh the dreaded checkout ugh, I still find them hard. I think it's once again that feeling of being trapped. While you are browsing a shop you know you are free to just leave, but once you start to join a queue you can feel the tension rise and the second that you hand over your money or credit card you know you have to sit tight till the transaction is completed :blush:

06-10-07, 09:50
Hi Ely2,

Yep sounds very much like a pa to me.

I have to go into town today and I know I'm going to have to go into crowded, hot shops crammed with people pushing and shoving. I absolutely hate it and so keep my visits to a minimum.

But, I know if I stop going the vicious circle of panic-fear-panic-fear will not be broken.

that's the key I think.....face the fear and break the circle.

big hugs for you



Elly 2
06-10-07, 14:08
Thankyou all for your kind thoughts and encouragement. I will just have to try and overcome this, I am more or less ok if I'm with my daughter but go on my own and I'm a dithering wreck! I won't be beaten though. Thankyou so much everyone I will keep you posted. xx

06-10-07, 14:21
Thankyou all for your kind thoughts and encouragement. I will just have to try and overcome this, I am more or less ok if I'm with my daughter but go on my own and I'm a dithering wreck! I won't be beaten though. Thankyou so much everyone I will keep you posted. xx

Well a good positive attitude will always help for sure and you certainly sound very positive :)

I think Tracie's tip about popping a strong mint in your mouth when you are in a situation again like that is a very good idea as things like that will distract you from feeling anxious.

Another thing you could try if you are on your own again in a similar situation is to take an iPod with some relaxing music or self help stuff on it so that you can listen to that and be distracted. I've got the Lucinda Bassett From Panic To Power on my iPod and I often listen to that when I am going into a situation where I might feel anxious. The good thing about them too is that as so many youngsters seem to have an iPod glued to their heads you don't look out of place with one either :D

06-10-07, 14:31
Hi Darlin

Definately sound like a PA to me, I read about how this works the other day....What happens is at some time you may have had an expierience in a shop that was unpleasant...you may not even remember it could have just knocked something over or seen someone that scared you...could be a subconscious thing you werent even aware of. So when you are in an anxious or sensitised state and you go to a shop and an old memory file opens and your brain links the present to an old memory and envokes the feeling. Its just your sensitised state that is causing your brain to link an old file to now. This could have happened to you and i am no expert but when i heard this it made sense so possible this is what has happened.

Hope this helps and makes sense

You are ok