View Full Version : really freaked out, please help.

05-10-07, 20:58
Not been doing too bad these past two days, but today i got in the house and sat down. Then i got up to do something and felt my normal dizziness and stupidly thought oh i'll check my bp i haven't done it all day. So i sat down and took it and it was 109/51!!! I had had some dinner so my pulse was nice and high anyway from a full stomach, but this diastolic bp really scared me. I started to panic and sweat and of course my pulse went up even more, which i was not scared about at all i was so terrified of passing out! Of course, feeling so scared that the dizziness got worse and worse and then i spent the next half an hour taking my bp to make sure that it wouldn't go that low again. It didn't go that low again, just in the 60's which i am fine with. Why did my bp so down so very low, it has never been that low before only down to 54 diastolic and that was after having a bath which i have heard is normal. This has really frightened me and after this i was even too scared to get out of my chair! I was warm, dont know if that made any difference, but i have been hot before and it didn't matter. I am a thinker, unfortunately, and i always need reassurance and an explaination and i need to know why this happened, if it is serious and really as scary as i believe it is and if it will happen again. I am really scared by this, please help. Has anyone had a lower bp than this and been ok, should i be scared or am i ok?
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05-10-07, 21:18

Found this for you - well worth a read - I learnt things I didn't know!


05-10-07, 21:34
Thanks Nic, just really scared me as my bp has never been this low before and it was a shock too.