View Full Version : HPV home test

21-02-20, 11:52
Hi ladies,

Has anyone done a hpv home test, I'm literally driving myself insane about my next smear due in may, especially since I had a very slight spot after sex, I don't know if I can actually bring myself to go this time as I've got my self in a state convinced that previous test may have missed cells( I go every 3 years) or I have got a rare fast growing cancer.
I don't smoke have been with my husband for 30 years, I just cant be rational even though I have been diagnosed with an erosion and a uterine fibroid, any words of reassurance would be appreciated.

21-02-20, 12:14
I know the home tests exist, I’ve never done one though.

I will say I’ve been thru the abnormal smear, HPV positive, and colposcopy to remove bad cells. While it was super stressful and hard on my anxiety, it was really no big deal and all my smears got the last 10 years (we go yearly in US) have been normal and HPV free. Don’t let yourself give into the anxiety because it’s going to cause you so much stress in years to come. Make yourself go for your appt!

21-02-20, 17:16
Thank you for you reply, it's just I've convinced my self that I have full blown cancer in three years just because of the very slight spots of blood after sex, I've read this is a symptom of cc and the most common, it's only happen once and if I hadn't gone to the loo and wiped I probably wouldn't have noticed it, the thing is this year alone I have thought I've had breast cancer bowel cancer bladder cancer cancer of the sternum(lol)lymphoma and now cervical cancer and it's only February, god now what the test of the year I will be getting xx

21-02-20, 18:25
Thank you for you reply, it's just I've convinced my self that I have full blown cancer in three years just because of the very slight spots of blood after sex, I've read this is a symptom of cc and the most common, it's only happen once and if I hadn't gone to the loo and wiped I probably wouldn't have noticed it, the thing is this year alone I have thought I've had breast cancer bowel cancer bladder cancer cancer of the sternum(lol)lymphoma and now cervical cancer and it's only February, god now what the test of the year I will be getting xx

i totally understand the HA mentality lol. I’ve had all sorts of diseases I’ve the years that have just never come true. I will say that after I had my abnormal smear 10 years ago it panicked me so bad that I didn’t go back for the colposcopy for three years. And it still hadn’t grown anymore and now all smears are normal. Now I don’t recommend this lol but it just goes to show how super slow growing it is and the likelihood that you have anything wrong after three years is super slim.

some women just have random spotting after sex. Has happened to me too. I know it’s super hard but try not to worry :hugs: