View Full Version : strange feeling

26-01-05, 20:52
i was wondering wether anybody as simular problems with there head feeling like its spinning but its not. i have noticed it more when im moving around when i settle down it stops . its like sort of a dizzy feeling .. i feel sort of wound up tense when i sit and relax it stops. as anybody got any ideas what it maybe , my doctor doesnt know she cant understand it .

26-01-05, 21:48

I used to go back and forth to the docs complaining of dizziness/faintness.

I had it for months and months and it really annoyed me cos I would be standing there are think I was going to fall over.

It was part and parcel of the anxiety and it went it time. They sent me to see an ENT specialist but all was ok (of course).

Deep breathing seems to ease it and a good relaxation tape as well.

You said "when I sit and relax it stops" so I am sure that this is anxiety. When you sit down and chill and stop thinking about it it goes so that proves it is not life-threatening.

Hope you feel better soon.


26-01-05, 22:25
Hi Tracy,
I get that feeling a lot and i definatly is all part and parcel of anxiety,
i always felt that i was going to pass out, but never have and my doctor has told me that i never will, it is just the anxiety trying to get to you,
i try to ignore the feeling now and it does seem to go away, the more you think of it the worst it gets. I get it a lot if i am standing in a queue waiting for something, my legs then begin to feel as if they are shaking
but i find if i look around and try to focus on something the feeling soon passes. I hope that this helps you, try not to worry it is nothing that is going to hurt you,
Take care
Trace xx:D

27-01-05, 13:11
thanks nicola and trace good to know its the anxiety in someway that im not going mad !!!!. i have an appointment at last at the hospital to have a medical in 3 weeks time the doc decided that its best to find out wether its physical or mental and i guess it will be mental... but at least i will find out one way or another. trace what i have is simular to the way you descibed so it does sound like anxiety is effecting me but i have been through a stressful time with my cat being put to sleep . i have some relaxation tapes so i will give them a try.
thanks both for replys
love tracy

27-01-05, 15:30
hi tracy, yes definatly what other says (Anxiety) I get that lots and when bad it stays while i am sitting or laying down. Take care. vernon

27-01-05, 20:42
hi vernon obviously it is the norm then ,ive had it before but not as often as im having it now it is driving me mad really as soon as i start doing something off it goes again never mind it looks like i'll have to put up with it!!!
cheers tracy

27-01-05, 21:38
I was suffering from dizziness and headaches for ages, lasted about 8 months and I still get it now on occasions. Thought there was a problem somewhere but all tests came back normal. My doctor put it down to anxiety which it probably was, but I noticed that my posture also played a part, if I sat up straight it seemed to ease.

28-01-05, 20:46
hi dave that sounds very interesting well hopefully when i have my medical in 3weeks it will give me an idea whats wrong i hope...as anyone had a full medical if so what does it entail?.
cheers dave