View Full Version : Advise house bound

22-02-20, 15:52
Hello I have suffered anxiety depression for years REALY Bad for last 4 my mother and fast have passed in that time I live with my wife who is grefor the last 2 years I have become housebound I want to start walking going for walks don't have the urge can someone help please thanks

22-02-20, 16:03
Hi there. Sorry to hear about your folks, and it's probably to understand how stressful grief is and how much anxiety it can cause.

However, I have been in the same situation as you, and I can highly recommend going for the walks you mentioned. Start small and don't push yourself too hard. I remember about 3 years ago I pushed myself to walk about 150m around the corner and back. I even took pictures to prove to myself I did it. My anxiety was so bad that I would often have a panic attack taking the bins out.

This week I took my kids to Legoland and am 99% anxiety free.

You absolutely can recover from this no matter how bad you think things are, but just take baby steps at first. It's also the ideal time of year to start walking, coming up to Spring.

22-02-20, 20:10
I’ve gone through multiple times of agoraphobia, the most recent one is still taking a lot out of me but I managed to spend a good few hours getting a tattoo in town recently.

Start small, maybe even just up and down the road, or even to the end of your drive or similar length.

If you don’t mind me asking so I can understand your situation a little better. What are you experiencing when you need/try to leave the house? I’m sorry for the losses you’ve experienced, grief is a truly torturous emotional response at times.

Positive vibes,


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22-02-20, 20:26
I am house bound too.