View Full Version : Another annoying flu post .... sorry!

22-02-20, 19:32
Hey all. My symptoms started a few days ago. Sore throat, slight cough and stuffy nose. Fast forward to last night. I woke up at midnight with the worst body aches, and a temp of 101. I took meds, went back to bed. Only to wake up a few hours later with the worst cold sweats. That was 12 hours ago, and I haven't had a temp since. I feel fine today! Minus a slight stuffy nose, and a productive cough. So, I'm wondering if this was even the flu?! Or maybe just a cold?

22-02-20, 19:41
just sounds like a cold sort of bug to me.... keep hydrated and wait for it to pass......... if it were propper flu you would be in bed and not have the energy to do anything at all.

22-02-20, 20:03
Don’t get discouraged or panic if your fever comes back up this evening. I had flu B a couple weeks ago and my fever was up and down over a 7 day period. Aches, chills, cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, pretty much all the symptoms off and on. Try to take in some vitamin c and d, and drink some hot tea with honey - really helped me. That and lots of water!!

23-02-20, 02:24
Viruses can hit each of us in different ways, not everyone has the same symptoms. Not good for HA.

It just sounds like you've got a bug and you'll be ok after it runs its course. Hard to say how long, you've got a mini war going on in your body.

Take good care, rest up and your amazing immune system will kill it.