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23-02-20, 03:34
I haven't been on here in a while as I've been quite good. This time, it isn't me, it's my husband.
So he went for his yearly blood tests yesterday. He has been tired, every time he eats gluten of any description his weight shoots up, his blood count came back with lower haemoglobin than last year but still within range. I've been on dr Google since yesterday who has been less than helpful but the crunch came this morning when I decided to Google what tests he had. So the doc did a blood test called CEA which apparently measures tumour markers for bowel cancer. I'm absolutely beside myself.

23-02-20, 04:32
no one :(

23-02-20, 04:52
I've been on dr Google since yesterday who has been less than helpful but the crunch came this morning when I decided to Google what tests he had.

Googling is where you lose me, I have no energy or desire to try and talk someone down after google searching has freaked them out.

23-02-20, 05:07

23-02-20, 06:53
Best thing to do is wait and see what the doctor suggests. I’m sure that’s only one reason for that result, and you’ve jumped to the worst.
Unfortunately you can’t unsee what you’ve seen, but I really think you should try to leave google alone for a while.

Of course you’re anxious about tests and your husband’s health, it’s only natural. But try not to jump to conclusions.

23-02-20, 08:15
But his haemoglobin is still normal so no anaemia which is a good sign. No weight loss either-in fact the opposite. Maybe the GP was just being thorough seeing as these are yearly blood tests and this specific blood test would be simple to do as a routine screen, not because he suspected anything sinister?

23-02-20, 12:42

GREAT! You're welcome. Maybe you'll think first before google searching next time. Like... hey, I remember the last time I did this I scared the shit out of myself.