View Full Version : Spiralling out of control (blood clot)

23-02-20, 09:44
So basically over the last month, my health anxiety has been at it’s worst. I feel like I’m losing myself.
Around a month ago I started getting shortness of breath at night only when laying in bed, then I started to panic over it and my heart started to race. Of course I searched it and as I’m pregnant and more at risk of a blood clot it came up with pulmonary embolism! Well of course I was worried. I started getting every symptom under the sun, chest pain, back pain, shoulder pain. Then I started getting calf pains! So I went to hospital last week and had a V/Q scan with dye, and was told no blood clots on lungs. But I was still experiencing leg pain (in both legs) and so they did an ultrasound on one leg and no clot. I don’t have any redness or swelling either. But I am still so worried thinking I have a clot. Thinking it could be in the leg they didn’t scan. And because I’ve been so worried I’ve been staying in bed more so now I think I’ve got another clot forming if I didn’t already. It’s ruining my life. I can’t enjoy the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy because it’s all I can think of. Even writing this my back has started hurting again. Thinking the clot from the other leg has gone to my chest. Even my toes are numb and fingers now. Help I don’t know what to do

24-02-20, 17:49
Please can someone reply 🥺 my feet are numb is that a sign of DVT

24-02-20, 17:56
You wouldn’t have a blood clot for a month and still be posting here about it. If it were that serious, I think you’d have been in hospital by now.

I don’t know how pregnant you are, but I constantly got pinched nerves during my pregnancy that would randomly make my appendages numb lol. Frustrating and annoying, but not serious. Baby is pressing against all kinds of stuff in there!

i really think your various aches and Pains and numbness are 100% due to pregnancy, and anxiety because you’re focused on DVT’s and you’ve probably googled all the symptoms.