View Full Version : Adrenaline

06-10-07, 21:39
Hi all!!

Im a nooooooob here but here goes!!

I been suffering with health anxiety for about 4 years now. Mainly due to my chest.

More and more I been getting anxiety attacks, big shot of adrenaline & then racing heart rate for about half hour.

Its just the constant adrenaline I keep getting all day long that bothers me as well.

Doc says exercise, but when i go for a light jog, my chest is then uptight, filled with adrenaline & my heart rate so fast for about an hour afterwards.

As a result ive ceased exercising or anything that gets my heart rate up.

Anyone else experiencing this at all???? What can I do about it???



06-10-07, 21:52
Hi Peter,

I was getting exactly the same and became too afraid to exercise. I still am afraid but have started to play football and go running again. I am also taking a calcium channel blocker to help with the tachycardia although I don't get the rapid heart rate that often.

Has your doc suggested taking a beta blocker too surpress the adrenaline and reduce your heart rate? I can't take them myself because I have mild asthma thats why I am taking a calcium channel blocker instead.
The only thing with beta blockers from what I have heard it can affect your exercise tolerance. So if you enjoy running it may be better going for a calcium channel blocker instead.
