View Full Version : Just been diagnosed with anxiety

07-10-07, 10:36
Hi I'm a newie, so you'll have to bear with me! I was diagnosed with anxiety depression about 3 months ago.Since then it's just been a rollercoaster of symptoms.I'm on 10mg of Cipralex per day which seems to help me get out of bed & function but still have this awful gnawing pit of fear in my stomach.I'm also seeing a counsellor which helps. Currently to date I've had lump in throat, dizziness, tension heache (which I've had for weeks),musle twitches, jaw ache & buzzing in ears. Have had blood tests, x-rays, endscopy etc.......all normal! Just wanted to say how much this site has helped me realise I'm not the only one & I'm not going crazy. Before this I classed myself as a "normal" 34 year old woman with no previous depression or anxiety. Therefore it goes to show you it can happen to anyone. Every time I'm having a bad day or I've convinced myself I have a brain tumor, I'll be back here!!

See you soon!!:)

07-10-07, 11:13
Hi Pandagirl,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

07-10-07, 11:19
Hello Pandagirl,

Welcome to NMP. It's a wonderful site full of great people and great advice.
I hope that you have read the self help section, it not check it out. Also read Michelles posts that she put on here last Thursday I think it was, one was tips for dealing with panic and anxiety an the other is her sucess story. That one is so wonderful and moving that we all need to remember it.

Hope to talk with you soon. An yes you aren't alone in this battle we all are here for each other.

Take Care
Believe:hugs: :flowers:

I Believe That In Time We All Will Get Better.

07-10-07, 12:52

:welcome: and lovely to see you here.

It really does help to know that you are not alone and you will meet some lovely people here.

Love the name by the way!

07-10-07, 14:02
hello pandagirl and welcome to the site........linda

07-10-07, 16:21
Hi Pandagirl and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

07-10-07, 18:45
Hi Pandagirl,

This is a fabulous site for help, information, understanding and friendship. I really hope you get as much out of it as i do. Oh and your promised a few giggles on the way too!!!


Love Lisa

07-10-07, 19:11
Hello Pandagirl:welcome:to you!

Glad you found us - plenty of help panda support here! (sorry, made a typo and decided to leave it! lol)

Very pleased to meet you!


07-10-07, 20:03

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xx

08-10-07, 18:53
Thankyou for the warm welcome! I'm very excited it's been 2 days since I've had a headache & I've managed to sleep (unassisted by drugs) for the last week!! I know that seems a small achievement but to me it's a huge step. I'm sure some people know but Claire Weekes self help books have proved very useful. Also worth reading is a book by Valerie Davis Raskin called "When words are not enough". It's a guide for anxiety sufferers. Just one quick question, has anyone suffered with buzzing in ears & does it go ever!!?