View Full Version : LADIES ONLY ( having a bit of downstairs worry)

07-10-07, 12:16
Hello girls

i'm being a bit off the paranoia scale at the moment

i'll tell you the problem....

for the past 6 days i've been having a really annoying tickle inside my well you know ( hehe i'm shy)

at first i thought it might just go away but the other night i just couldn;t sleep. it also makes me feel as if i have to pee all the time even when i don't.

and when i pee as soon as its finishing it hurts aswell -

i'm really worrying about it as it has lasted so long.

i'm going over what it could be - water infection, sensitive skin, maggots, worms lol anything how mad/crazy am i becoming


07-10-07, 12:49

Sounds like it could be a bit of cystitis.

Drink plenty of water to try and flush the infection out.

If it is this then that you can get an over-the-counter remedy but certainly try drinking loads more water to begin with, and see if this helps.

07-10-07, 13:02
Oh Sammi!

Definitely - agree with Nic. Sounds just like cystitis. Drink LOADS of water, cranberry juice is also supposed to help.

There are lots of remedies you can get from the Chemist too.

I really don't think you've got maggots :winks:


07-10-07, 13:35
Definately agree it sounds like cystitis, as others have said plenty of water to flush it out.

08-10-07, 10:37
Have to echo what has been said above, when I had something similar I drank cranberry juice like it was going out of fashion but it helped so much. Hope you feel better soon!

08-10-07, 12:26

it could be cystitis, but the infection could be caused by bacteria such as chlamydia- so its important to get it checked out. I had chlamydia and had cystitis-like symptoms (nasty, lying ex gave it to me). your dr can give you a quick test to find out what kind of infection you have. also cranberry juice only actually PREVENTS cystitis it can actually aggravate the symptoms. lots of water, pain killers and distractions are the best thing.

all the best, i hope you feel better soon! xxx

all the best

jess xxx

08-10-07, 14:19
hehe even more paranoid now

08-10-07, 14:44
Hi Sammi,

I agree with either cystitis or a simple urine infection, both very easily treated. Try what Nic and Swanny suggest by drinking lots of water, i have also heard that cranberry juice can be a marvel with the downstairs plumbing :winks: . Also if you could maybe call your local chemist, the are very good with advice and can easily recommend an over the counter medication.

Best of luck with that and let us know how you get on!!

Love Lisa

08-10-07, 18:30
Hi Sammi

You have had lots of great advice allready, I have had cystitis a few times in the past, your symptoms, feeling the need for the lou, then, not going, or when you pass water it hurts, the burning feeling is acid in your urine, these are symptoms of cystitis, I know its hard for you right now, please try and not to worry, pop along to your chemist or gp and tell them your symptoms, DRINK LOTS of water. When you get the right treatment, IT WILL GO, I PROMISE.

Is not nice having probs downstairs, I have probs there too at the mo, but trying to sort it and NOT let my mind wonder with alot of negatives.

You take are hun, let us know how things go.


09-10-07, 11:23
hello everyone

thank you so much for all of your advice and reassurance

i tried to go to the docs today but my dr is on holiday till tomorrow so i will go then

it just leaves me one more day of worrying.

again thank you all so much and i will try not to worry

hugs for everyone

09-10-07, 12:00

thats really good your getting to see your dr. you really mustn't worry - it is most likely absolutely nothing (everyone gets the odd infection/itch down there!). if you do have an infection it will be so easily treated and the dr can advise you on what to do in the future so it doesn't happen again.

i didn't mean to alarm you about the chlamydia thing - it most likely isn't that but its better to eliminate any possiblity by going to the dr's (and thats really easily treated too!).

all the best - i hope you feel better very soon and that you get some relief from the discomfort.

all the best

jess xxx

11-10-07, 17:06
Hello again girls its me -

well i went to the docs and i have given in my sample and will get first tests results on monday if they are opos for cystitus then i will get anibiotics if not then i have to have more tests done.

anyways wondering if any one had a sharp shooting pain through the downstairs up to ur stomach or so - it only last few seconds and need the loo afterwards. just wondered if i was alone

11-10-07, 17:33
sounds more like a urinary tract infection to me. i had one not long ago, if it is this u will need a course of anti biotics to get rid of it. all u need is a wee sample at docs no embarrasing examinations. xx