View Full Version : Ok so how long down the line do you accept that its anxiety & nothing else is wrong?

07-10-07, 13:47
After 5 years of being symptom free of anxiety it came back, and in the last 6 months I have managed to comvince myself I have had a brain tumour, and when that was resolved and I accepted it was my anxiety, I had a few weeks of "normality" before I developed another symptom which taken over the negative thoughs, I have a slight weird feeling on the side of my neck (where I imagine the gland is) I finally went to the doctors and went back on citalopram (I took it 7 yrs ago for 2 years to help me get over anxiety and pnd) that was almost 3 weeks ago, I felt much better for the first few weeks, (but my hubby was on holiday for 2 weeks so more distracted) but in the last week it feels as though I am slowly slipping down again.

If I am honest I am sure my neck is probably anxiety as I don't notice it when busy, but its just the chance that it could be something that worries me, I had a blood test a few months ago which showed nothing abnormal, and doctor said if was fighting something it would have shown up on there.

After my worry of a tumour which i was 99.99% certain I had, I have this worry which I would say 50%, does it get easier with each suspected illness? Did it for you anyway?

07-10-07, 15:53
Hi Mev,
I am sorry you can't get a grip on your anxiety.
I have a very similar problem - I go to the doctor they tell me I am Ok - and I am for a while and then a new symptom POPS up and I am on the merry-go-round again.
My post earlier shows that I am feeling distraught at the moment.
One half of my brain says "you know you are OK"
The other half says "what if.................." and then it Oh my God.
Worry worry worry thats all I seem to do lately.
I hope this shows you are not alone with annoying irrational fears.
Best wishes June

08-10-07, 19:05
Hi Mev,

Like yourself I was convinced I had a brain tumor, then throat cancer as i had a horrible feeling of a lump in my throat. After 3 months & numerous tests & things being shoved up my nose, down my throat, I was advised I had anxiety depression!! Today is my 2nd day of not having head/neck ache, I also have buzzing in the eyes, musle twitches. You're not alone. Do you notice that if you're occupied doing something that you don't think about your symptoms so much? As my GP explained brain tumors don't come & go but try expalining that to someone with anxiety!! If you feel your starting to panic, get up go do something, a walk or game with your kids (if you have any). Don't let this horrible fear rule your life. Take Care

Pandagirl xx

09-10-07, 09:50

i'm a bit like you too. feel completely fine for a few years... then WHAM! i start getting anxious that there's something nasty growing inside me... and unfortunately it seems that when one thing is resolved i either find fault in what the dr has said or i start thinking its something else.

its a really good sign when u start to accept that it could be anxiety - it shows that your getting out of it i think. each episode for me goes like this...

o days - one week: initial worry (oh my goodness WHAT is that lump/cough?)

Around 2-4 weeks: intense anxiety (sleeplessness, panic, unable to function)
can be interspersed with periods of reassurrence followed by panic again.

1 -3 months (sometimes longer): low level anxiety, can start to accept that my symptom may be caused by anxiety, but still have morbid thoughts and occasional panics (normally triggered by a comment/tv/book about whatever it is i think i may have). am able to function on a basic level, but feel depressed (thoughts of death and doubting my own sanity etc). increasing normality.

i'm not sure if this pattern rings true for anyone else. i find exercise really helps as does doing things you enjoy, getting out in the fresh air and sunshine (i enjoy meditation and reading trashy books - oh and some retail therapy!). exercise makes me realise that if i was at deaths door like i think i am i wouldn't be able to run/exercise in thee way i can! and it boosts your seratonin.

the most important thing to remember though is that it WILL pass.

all the best,

jess xxx