View Full Version : Feeling great last night / desolate brain fog today

07-10-07, 15:09
I treated myself to the Nintendo "brain train" gismo yesterday.
The first couple of trials gave me a brain age of 80 +. Howl.
I got it down to 55+ (Iam actualy 64) so I was very proud - the gadget is great fun to use. I felt really good - to see that I can still achieve relatively simple mental arithmatic tasks was a boost to my ego.

BUT....... this morning I feel as though I have damaged my brain.... The sensation is a metal cap on my scalp and a rushing noise in my head.
As if I used up all the mental capacity last night and now my brain is dying.
I have been up for 7 hours now and there is very little improvement - it is such a scary feeling.
Hubby does not understand so I say nothing just try and cope - put on a brave face etc.

07-10-07, 16:16
I see that 8 people have read this post. Is it so mundane - so boring that not one of you could even say "get over it we are all suffering?

07-10-07, 16:26
Hi, I just read this, I think the reason is, we contract so hard on games, at least I do, that when we are done, we seem to not have any brain left. I know thats how i feel, when I try my son's games.

I hope that this helps you feel better.

Take Care

I Believe That In Time We All Will Get Better.

07-10-07, 16:34
hi june i play on the same game, i cound not get off it when i started it,i was on it all day, i must say i felt mentaly drained when i finished on it felt like i was in a world of my own and could not focus on anything else. my brain age was 72 i m 34...........:ohmy:

07-10-07, 21:38

I love the brain training games and they do just that - they make it stronger and more powerful

You haven't killed your brain at all I promise.

07-10-07, 21:56
Hi June

Hope you are feeling better. I have also had exactly the same experiences as you and Viv... and I won't say what my mental age was!!

Take care


08-10-07, 13:58
Thak you so much for your replies and sorry I was so rude - I was just desperate for help.

I ended up at the doc again this morning - I have been given Lorazepan? (Ativan) BUT I have also been told for the first time in 20 odd years that when I am feeling really bad - like yesterday - that I can just take 1/2 a tablet to take the edge off the fear.
I always believed that when you were prescribed medication that you took the course, usually about 6 weeks.
To take 1/2 as and when needed 9 about once a week or less_ is much more logical to me.
Best wishes to you all

08-10-07, 20:42
Hi June
I had the same exact feeling the other day. I spent the entire day writting a paper for a class. I was so happy and proud to be done with it, but my head felt SO weird. I described it to my husband as feel as if my brian is twisted and tied in knots. I kept telling him I sprained my brain! In the end, it did go... I think it was tension from focusing for so long. It could be the same thing for you also.

11-10-07, 14:43
I love your description of a "sprained brain" very similar mine feels "bruised".
As you say it does clear BUT my oh my does it give you a fright.
Now that I am a bit better I realise that panic comes so quickly ALL common sense just goes.
Best wishes