View Full Version : Neurological symptoms

24-02-20, 12:16
Hi I came her a few months ago with what I can only describe as a pulling kind of tingly sensation left side of certain locations. Outside of thigh, outside of knee joint sometimes travels further down, outside of elbow joint again sometimes travels down and sometimes same feeling left side of scalp. My doctor referred me to a neurologist but I decided to cancel, it did eventually go after 6 weeks seem to start around period so I put it down to that. But now have had this feeling back for 2 days and period not due. As I'm writing the above a have this feeling it all doesn't sound right and very odd.
I do have low back pain have some hip problems so I've tried to connect the thigh and knee joint feeling to that. However why am I getting feelings in arm and scalp. Has anyone had this? I feel to nervous to rebook neurologist.

Gary A
24-02-20, 16:34
Hi I came her a few months ago with what I can only describe as a pulling kind of tingly sensation left side of certain locations. Outside of thigh, outside of knee joint sometimes travels further down, outside of elbow joint again sometimes travels down and sometimes same feeling left side of scalp. My doctor referred me to a neurologist but I decided to cancel, it did eventually go after 6 weeks seem to start around period so I put it down to that. But now have had this feeling back for 2 days and period not due. As I'm writing the above a have this feeling it all doesn't sound right and very odd.
I do have low back pain have some hip problems so I've tried to connect the thigh and knee joint feeling to that. However why am I getting feelings in arm and scalp. Has anyone had this? I feel to nervous to rebook neurologist.

Could be something as silly as a compressed nerve due to posture or the way you sleep etc. The nervous system tends to fire off all over when one part is affected.

A neurologist is an expert in the nervous system so that’s probably why your GP referred you to one. I really don’t think you need to be worried about anything sinister. You should probably go and speak to your GP again and if they feel a referral is necessary, do as they say.

I understand your concerns about seeing a neurologist, but if this were being caused by anything sinister like a tumour or degenerative disorder it would not have resolved itself in the first place. In fact, it would have gotten much, much worse by now.

24-02-20, 19:56
Thanks for reply Gary my best friend a fellow HA sufferer often says this with worries over the years it would never resolve itself and that does make me feel better. Years ago I would have been first in seeing a neurologist now I'd rather the doctor tell me it's anxiety lol. Maybe an age thing now.
What I didn't know is that your nervous system can spark up from one area and the poor posture and the type of endless work I'm doing at the moment makes absolute sense as it all started with making calls holding phone to ear whilst typing in an awful seating position that was last October my posture is very poor. So I'll take that as my reassurance for now and try and adapt strengthen etc I just wish a doctor or physio could confirm trapped nerve it can spark up in other locations and I'd be done with but old habits of Google searching is not confirming this to me. However I'll keep positive and make some changes.