View Full Version : More spotting...feel sick with worry

24-02-20, 13:09
Just got back from GP as had some mid cycle spotting having only previously had it in the days before my period.
It was only one small pink streak after a BM but it sent me into panic. I’ve been charting my ovulation and I know I definitely ovulated the day before (temperature shift and positive ovulation stick)- so it could be ovulation spotting but I’m just really struggling to get any perspective on this.
I’m 40 and in the last 7 years have had 3 babies and breastfed them all for extended periods. Finishing on New Year’s Eve. So for the first time in ages I’m not pregnant or breastfeeding. Could this just be things getting back to normal ?? Before that I was on the pill so I have probably only had 9 periods in the last 10 years, so I have no ‘normal’.
The thing that petrifying is mid cycle bleeding can be linked to certain cancers. I’m up to date with smears. Ovarian C apparently only causes bleeding if it’s a rare type that produces oestrogen - i really am not displaying signs of unopposed oestrogen (I don’t have heavy periods or long periods or tender breasts), but I’m so scared about uterine cancer- especially the much rarer aggressive clear cell type (though I understand this is incredibly rare, as in my chance would be 1 in 285,000 for my age . I’m just loosing all perspective on it all.
I’ve just been to gp who I was hoping would tell me it was actually fairly common to spot after breastfeeding cessation at age 40 and that they they were more concerned about my mental health but alas it was a waste of time and I’ve been left feeling worse than before I went. She kept on saying she can’t rule out cancer, had given me no perspective but was able to confirm I didn’t have an ectropion. I just feel sick with worry I can’t think straight 😢😢😢

24-02-20, 17:10
Hi there, spotting is a weird thing and it can be related to many different conditions, most of them not serious ones! I personally get a bit of spotting sometimes as I have PCOS which is quite a common condition for us ladies :( mental health can also play a part in periods etc. so it could also be linked to this possibly?

There are many reasons for spotting (I have done extensive research myself on it, although I'm not a professional by any means) and most of them are no cause for concern, but it would be better to get the doctor to run tests just to put your mind at ease :) I'm sure it's a common problem that they see so there will most likely be a rational explanation :)

It might also make you feel better to know that my mum had this issue and the hospital ran every test imaginable and there was no reason at all for it - they couldn't diagnose anything and it was just one of those strange things that our body sometimes does.

Try not to google it too because it is always full of scare stories!

Hope you feel better soon xx

24-02-20, 18:26
I know that it is so hard when you have spotting. Right when I was around 40, maybe a tad earlier, I started having spotting mid cycle after a strenuous work out. I freaked out. It happened a few times before I found the courage to go to the doctor. She had a look, I had a TV Ultrasound, and then I had some super special ultrasound where they fill you up with saline (I think) to look for polyps. There was nothing. My hormones were ok, thyroid was ok, so who knows what the issue was. I saw this because it is incredibly common. Your body has just finished breastfeeding, you are entering your 40's when the fun really begins, and it is happening mid cycle. If you are really bothered, however, I would suggest that you ask for a TV Ultrasound and perhaps some bloodwork.

25-02-20, 14:21
Thank you so much Becky and travelgirl for taking the time to read and reply xxx
I really appreciate it

29-11-20, 08:02
Hi I’ve just started spotting Mid cycle recently and wondering what was the outcome of yours ? Thank you