View Full Version : Breast lump-30-terrified.

24-02-20, 15:22
Hello everyone.

Last week I noticed some itching on my right breast, I waited a few days thinking it was nothing and then decided to do a breast examination... I don’t do them often cause I have very cystic breasts and I can never tell what I’m feeling...

I was at about 10 days into my cycle ( I usually ovulate between 10-14), and am 30 years old, pretty healthy, eat well and exercise. My boobs are large though.

I couldn’t tell what I was feeling but then noticed a small little oval ( almost like a Bean ) on the right side where I have been feeling some itching and tingling...immediately I went into a state of panic, I kept poking and prodding for the next 45
Mins and all day the next day... it felt soft and movable, but still something.... my dads mom died of BC at 33 ( although she was also living in Egypt) In the 40’s....

I went to my dr the next day who treated me terribly- degrading me for not having genetic testing ( I’m sure you HA people here know what that would do to you mentally.... and heightening my fears telling me “yup that’s a lump” and giving me no hope that it’s not cancer.... she shoves the ultrasound report in my face and left the room...all the while I had to start work in 30 mins.... it was devastating....

I will note I had the same breast ultrasounded ( in that same spot 3.5 years ago) and it turned out to be nothing....even though it felt like a lump.

All weekend I’ve been having random tingling/ aching and shooting pains into my armpit...

Now all weekend I’ve been up and down, but constantly feeling a Sense of dread and putting myself in the grave...in the past few days the lumps have become bigger and there are 2-3 now ( hard to tell)....

I have a US on Wednesday but can’t focus on anything..... I’m utterly terrified....

Any help or experience in this would be appreciated.

24-02-20, 17:21

I can’t offer you much help, but just wanted to say I’m going through a similar worry with bc myself. My nan on my mother’s side had it when she was in her forties, she passed away from an accident years later but I think the fact she’s had it has always been in the back of my mind.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, the fact you’ve had similar before that turned out to be nothing should offer some reassurance 😊 but I know how hard it is. I’m sorry that the doctor wasn’t very nice either, it can make all the difference to help make you worry less.

Let us know how you get on xx

24-02-20, 20:24

I can tell you that based on my experience, and conversations with a breast specialist from some years ago, BC rarely, if ever, has pain as symptom. It sounds like the tissue of your breasts change with ovulation, and depends on hormones and time of month. Also, the fact that you firstly felt one lump and then few days after more lumps, should be reassuring as well. It truly sounds like dense lumpy tissue that women , especially with bigger breasts, have.

If I were you, however, I would never go back to that horrible doctor - we deserve better. FInd new doctor after you do the ultrasound and it shows nothing ( you already had that happened before).

I will keep you in my prayers.


05-03-20, 20:28
Thank you guys both for the support. I had an appt late last week with a breast specialist- they did a mammogram,3D , and an ultrasound..

They found nothing- they said it’s just a weird way tissue is stacked... they went over it multiple times and the pathologist even triple checked it...

I didn’t think too much of this but while all that was happening I noticed a dark red ( seemed like pimple) under my breast. I’m well endowed so it was hiding under... I felt a sharp pain yearsday- Lifted up my breast and found a purple/blackish lump ( looked like a blister) surrounded in red....same breast..

I was able to get in with my dr and he said it was a cyst/abscess and drained it.. they are culturing it currrwntly...

Now I’m concerned it’s inflammatory cancer....
Tbh if it was a different breast and didn’t happen so soon I probably wouldn’t think anything of it... but now my wheels are turning again! Help?

07-03-20, 23:08
Hi goldustgirl - I definitely would not be worried about that cyst/abscess under your breast especially so soon after you’d just had a mammogram and ultrasound and they found nothing.

Around 2 years ago I got some kind of boil or cyst on the top of my rib cage under my right breast and for someone with HA it didn’t bother me one bit. Actually I thought it was some kind of big insect bite at first but it was a boil of some kind. Took a while for it to fully disappear but I really wasn’t worried about it 😊

07-03-20, 23:22
You have been checked thoroughly so it is nothing sinister.

I am currently dealing with boils on both my breasts underneath as well. They take a long time to go.

You really do not have breast cancer at all.

30-04-20, 18:47
Hey guys- well it’s been what two months now since my original post on a lump I found- but man are we in a different world.

Just wanted to give a little update- actually going back and reading through my post made me feel better.

I got a new IuD to replace my expiring one in January. For the first Time ever in my life I missed a period this month...I took 2 pregnancy tests and one blood one as my dr wanted to be 100% sure- my guess is coronavirus stress/ just everything.. anyway-

10 days past when I was due- cue breast issues again- particularly in the same breast... I feel that same lump- it’s painful, it’s causing tingling/ itching/ prickling, sometimes in armpit/ upper arm and I have another boil under my breast ( although this time I caught it- used a hot compress, and it’s going down)... - I still have the scar from my last one. I have a little acne some itching on other breast- but this right one is particularly the breast from hell.

I also have been noticing spider veins ( what looks like large pores- although when I look at my entire body- I have large pores And visible small veins...and I couldn’t tell you if they have always been that way or not...

Anyway- I had the mammogram/ 3d mammo/ ultrasound... I mean do you guys think I need a second opinion-my gp thinks it’s hormonal- Or is this all most likely hormonal/ etc since it goes away and comes back... I’m guessing it is- but when you look up itching on the dreaded google all that comes up is IBC? I will say it’s not constant too- it comes and goes- I’ve been trying to work out a lot and naturally eat healthy.

30-04-20, 19:38

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01-05-20, 01:52