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View Full Version : Afraid of having pneumonia

25-02-20, 21:40
Granted I know that my chances are low for having a catastrophic event (death..) since I'm fairly young (about to turn 30)

I have an appointment tomorrow so I should know something but I'm driving myself crazy with fear over this. I came down sick last Monday with a fever, chills and headache and sore theoat. Went to the urgent Care and tested for flu/strep both of which came back negative. The doctor assumed I had a viral upper respiratory infection. Come Wednesday, I began coughing and blowing thick yellow-green mucus from my nose and coughing a little bit up.

Overall I'm not feeling as sick, but the cough has gotten worse and I'm still blowing out some dark yellow mucus and coughing a little bit up. The thing is now I feel like my back is starting to get sore and I'm afraid it's my lungs, thus the fear of pneumonia. I haven't ran a fever since Tuesday of last week, so that's the only thing giving me hope.

25-02-20, 22:00
Honestly I get like this with every cold that goes into my chest. My back gets super sore because I cough so hard trying to get stuff up out of there. If you do have pneumonia, you’ll get antibiotics. The lack of a fever though I think you’re more likely to be dealing with bronchitis, I get it every year lol.

26-02-20, 09:28
So you have a cold, no fever and don't feel sick. But you're worrying about pneumonia.

"I'm driving myself crazy with fear over this"

The things you are doing to drive yourself crazy......stop doing those things. Distract yourself when you start worrying about it. Carry on an normal. Rest, drink fluids, meditate. Whatever you have to do to stop imagining worst case scenarios over a completely manageable ailment.

27-02-20, 02:10
Even if you did have pneumonia it wont kill you I have had it twice and a bad bout of bronchitis, the people that do die from it are those who are elderly young children and those with compromised immune systems

27-02-20, 10:28
Thanks for the support guys. Just had my doctor's appointment and he said my lungs sound fine, did however start a round of antibiotics just in case it's bacterial to knock this out.