View Full Version : Hospital tests tomorrow

08-10-07, 07:54
Hi Guys , I am getting really nervous about my hospital appointment tomorrow, I think I am afraid of what they are gonna find.
I have had severe vertigo and dizziness for 5 years and my gp told me it was my anxiety but the hospital told me I have a inner ear disorder, and it turned out one of my symptoms is a concern so they need to check that I havent got a tumour on my auditory nerve. All this time I have been calm about it cos its unlikely BUT now I am feeling scared, really scared.
thanks for listening xxx

08-10-07, 10:39
Can't really comment much but I just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow hope everything goes ok. Cross fingers it's nothing serious. I know it's hard to keep positive but once it's been looked at hopefully you will feel better.

08-10-07, 11:05
thanks janieb, as usual I am concentrating on the negatives :lac: ,
the test takes 3 hours and I am worried about feeling trapped.
take care

08-10-07, 11:14
Oh hun the old acoustic neuroma worry 'eh?

There are some new treatments available in some places I think, but I'm sure it will turn out fine anyway.

Best of luck with your appointment...let us know xxxxx

08-10-07, 11:35
yes thats the one :blush: , dont know when i get the results but i hope i get them tomorrow, my appointments at 1pm but my hubby is taking me.


08-10-07, 11:48
Hi Mirry,

I can't really offer any particular advice, but just wanted to say that i hope it all goes ok for you. Good luck :hugs:

Anna x

Elly 2
08-10-07, 12:05
Hi Mirry, I know what you're going through. I have been dizzy for years and have had tests, try not to worry turns out I have Meniere's which is an inner ear problem. When it is bad I take Stemetil which controls the dizziness. I know that's not much help to you at the mo, but I'm sure it will be ok. Let us know how you get on.
Lots of love

08-10-07, 12:13
hiya Mirry,

It's totally normal for you to be worrying about this, well done for staying calm untill now, try to remain calm by trying not to think about the outcome too much, remember thinking about it wont change the outcome.
Good luck, let us know how you get on xxx

08-10-07, 12:14
Good luck for your appointment Mirry...hope it all goes well!

luv Coni XX

08-10-07, 12:17
Good Luck for tomorrow Mirry you will be in our thoughts

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:

08-10-07, 12:49
thanks so much everyone, silly me I have been googling it :weep: ,
I have so many of the symptoms of it that I am terrified.
The hospital have been asking me to phone them with any new symptoms and I thought they were just being nice,I told them that I have been woken from my sleep with a migraine (really really bad one ),didnt think anything of it untilI read that is a sign,,,,,,then I read acoustic neoroma is a brain tumour(well that just made my heart skip a beat).......Im sure its something simple but my mind is suddenly going over time.

Elly I am sorry to read you have meniers ,thats not nice for you ,what symptoms do you get with that?:hugs:.

08-10-07, 22:17
Hi Mirry

Just wanted to wish you good luck for tommo hun.:hugs:

Will be thinking of you:hugs:

:hugs: :hugs:

miss motown
08-10-07, 22:32
Oh Mirry Goodluck For Tomorrow Im Sure It Will Turn Out Fine Thinking Of You X

08-10-07, 22:34

Piglet :flowers:

08-10-07, 22:55
Good luck Mirry :hugs: im sure all will be well,

love anx xx

Florida Gator
08-10-07, 23:23
I also get dizzy and have ringing in my ears. I have an appoinment with ear nose and throat specialist next week. Think there is an inner ear issue going on as well.

Good luck from the States.

08-10-07, 23:42
Hope all goes well tomorrow Mirry :hugs:

Lisa x

09-10-07, 09:20
Good luck today Mirry hun :hugs: xxx Let us know how it goes. xxx

09-10-07, 10:58
Hope everything is ok with the tests I know I get in a right panic and can not eat or sleep, well done for being calm up till now.I too suffer from dizzyness but haven't had any real tests except a balance test and that was inconclusive. Hang in there and I am sure it will be ok. Good luck I will be thinking of you.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

09-10-07, 20:48
Hi Mirry

Hope all went well today hun:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


09-10-07, 21:28
hope your tests went ok!

10-10-07, 05:21
Hi Mirry,

I know exactly what you are going through. I have had dizziness/vertigo now for 7 years. January this year I was finally sent for an MRI to check the nerves and also for the tumour that you are talking about. I was so scared.

My results came back all clear. I also had vestibular testing done on my ears etc and they were all clear.

Two neurologists have said that I suffer from vestibular migraines because I get headaches either before the dizzy, during or after. I am on medication to that is really helping.


10-10-07, 07:33
Hi again every one, well I did it yesturday, I had 4 hours of tests,
the ladys who tested me told me that I am
low functioning in my balance organs in BOTH ears !!!
They didnt mention a tumour and I didnt ask :blush: ,I have to wait now to see my consultant which they said will be soon.

I was totally shocked (still am) they told me that basically my balance organs are not working and I am relying on sight for my balance, and because my sight is doing both jobs I am getting the off balance and dizziness.

They said its like being blind because I have lost the function of my balance organs which do an important job.
I asked why they dont work and they said ,maybe I was born with it
(which i dont agree cos i only felt off balance the past 5 years) or a virus or medication done it.

Then the shocking thing was that the worst tablet I could take is valium because it actually lowers the function of the balance organs:ohmy: .

still shocked, just trying to get my head around it but it just shows that medical problems can cause these symptoms.

10-10-07, 08:37
Oh Mirry,
I am sorry I missed wishing you good luck, but Wow!
Poor you. So what are they going to do next?


10-10-07, 10:40

Yea that's big stuff. Although it must be really hard to take it all in, it must be a slight relief, knowing what it is. Hopefully they will be able to give you some help now.

Have you been doing the balance exercises? Any use?

Good luck with seeing the consultant xxxx

10-10-07, 11:34
the vrt excersizes havent helped me yet and they made my eyes hurt,
they said they will give me some others to try.

I dont know what will happen next but she mentioned going to balance therapy at the hospital.Apparently medications or a virus have probally damaged my balance organs which is a shock.

And allthe doctors told me it was anxiety making me dizzy ,lol they need kicking:mad: .

10-10-07, 11:58
Hi Mirry,

Well done for coping with all that yesterday :hugs:

I hope this can be sorted or improved for you.

Lisa x

10-10-07, 19:15
Hi Mirry

So pleased you have got the hospital appointment over, and it sure sounds like you are getting to the bottom of all the dizzyness.:)

Lets hope something can be sorted for you quickly then you can move on:)

WELL DONE for coping with it all so well too hun:yesyes: !


10-10-07, 19:44
thanks guys , Ive had a good cry today about it,also got upset cos my hubby said i go on about it alot , but its hard to explain the feeling of after 5 years of feeling off balance and dizzy and being told its just anxiety to find out that there was something wrong with me.

so I am gonna shut up about it now (ive got to) ,well Im gonna try :blush: .

take care xxx

10-10-07, 19:50
:hugs: :hugs: well done for coping with the tests,

love anx xx