View Full Version : I think I had a panic attack last night.

26-02-20, 08:43
I could do with some support. I'm seeing a doctor today (again).

I'm really struggling right now with some severe stomach problems. I've been having really painful acid attacks and stomach aches in the evenings. Last night I tried to take some Gaviscon for it because it flared up, and I started panicking.

In it's defense, the Gavison worked almost instantly. There was relief from my stomach symptoms. The problem is what happened afterwards, I got a really tight throat, lots of phlem and started coughing a lot. I started worrying that I was having some kind of reaction. I completely lost my appetite and couldn't eat my dinner.

My wife and I went to bed and I started shaking uncontrollably. I sat up, I felt sick, I nearly was sick and I was hyperventilating. I was worried because my throat felt tight, I felt shaky I felt really scared. I thought maybe it was because I had eaten after taking the Gaviscon. My wife calmed me down and then the insomnia began, which I don't usually suffer from. I kept having these whizzing random and vivid micro-dreams which I would instantly wake up from over and over. I got up eventually and moved around the house and had some peppermint tea. Worked up a huge appetite during that time and ate a ton of biscuits and fell back asleep finally.

Today I feel really weak and shaky. I was hungry for breakfast so I had some porridge but I'm still weak and shaky. I'm worried about a lot of different things right now and I'm frustrated. I just want to be back to my normal self.:weep:

I am a train wreck. I don't want to be like this anymore, this isn't me. My symptoms are scaring me.

26-02-20, 09:17
All sounds pretty normal for reflux and anxiety to me.

I know it feels scary, but none of it is dangerous.

When you say you're worried about a lot of things right now, is it just the anxiety or is life being a bit of a dick too?

26-02-20, 09:35
All sounds pretty normal for reflux and anxiety to me.

I know it feels scary, but none of it is dangerous.

When you say you're worried about a lot of things right now, is it just the anxiety or is life being a bit of a dick too?

Hi ankietyjoe

Most of it is fear about the symptoms I've been having. I had a test done last week to see if it is H Pylori, but that came back clear. I feel a bit lost. I was having a good day yesterday until the evening when it all came back. It was like a double kick because I felt like I had been getting better throughout the day.

There's a bit of uncertainty with work at the moment also. I had a really bad week last week, I was extremely depressed on the Monday and right after that is when all of this started.

26-02-20, 09:50
Well the trick here is to find a way that you can just accept what's happening right now. You are stressed because of work, and are experiencing anxiety as well. Anxiety is almost always caused by stress, so have a look at your life and see what else could be causing issues. It could be work, relationships, poor diet, not enough sleep, smoking, drinking...anything that taxes your body basically.

In terms of dealing with anxiety symptoms, you have to keep reminding yourself they are just symptoms. Have a look at some of the resources on this site and educate yourself at just how many symptoms stress and anxiety can create. Almost every symptom your body can experience can occur because of stress and anxiety. All it is though, is sensation. It doesn't indicate anything is wrong, and anxiety itself isn't dangerous.

Next time you feel yourself start panicking, just sit down and start breathing slowly. Tell yourself it's just anxiety. Don't use terms like 'I'm a train wreck' or 'I can't do this anymore'. It's here, and this is who you are right now. The important words there are 'right now'. This can pass and will pass if you don't keep reacting the way you are now. The key is not trying to fight every symptom. You'll never win that war. The key is to learn to accept that for whatever reason, anxiety is present in your life now, and to focus on and deal with ONLY the anxiety. If you do that, the symptoms will stop naturally over time.

There is no short cut out of this though, so the sooner you get to a place where you can just accept the symptoms for the time being, the better. The more you fight them and react to them, the longer the anxiety will last. There are no exceptions to this.

26-02-20, 14:21
Well the trick here is to find a way that you can just accept what's happening right now. You are stressed because of work, and are experiencing anxiety as well. Anxiety is almost always caused by stress, so have a look at your life and see what else could be causing issues. It could be work, relationships, poor diet, not enough sleep, smoking, drinking...anything that taxes your body basically.

In terms of dealing with anxiety symptoms, you have to keep reminding yourself they are just symptoms. Have a look at some of the resources on this site and educate yourself at just how many symptoms stress and anxiety can create. Almost every symptom your body can experience can occur because of stress and anxiety. All it is though, is sensation. It doesn't indicate anything is wrong, and anxiety itself isn't dangerous.

Next time you feel yourself start panicking, just sit down and start breathing slowly. Tell yourself it's just anxiety. Don't use terms like 'I'm a train wreck' or 'I can't do this anymore'. It's here, and this is who you are right now. The important words there are 'right now'. This can pass and will pass if you don't keep reacting the way you are now. The key is not trying to fight every symptom. You'll never win that war. The key is to learn to accept that for whatever reason, anxiety is present in your life now, and to focus on and deal with ONLY the anxiety. If you do that, the symptoms will stop naturally over time.

There is no short cut out of this though, so the sooner you get to a place where you can just accept the symptoms for the time being, the better. The more you fight them and react to them, the longer the anxiety will last. There are no exceptions to this.

Thanks for this. I'm trying to be as calm as possible.

I've seen a doctor, been poked and prodded. Got a blood test next week but she isn't concerned this is anything serious, like I am. Got some low dosage omeprazole to try and see how that goes. Just need to relax.