View Full Version : PE fear returns...

26-02-20, 08:48
Hi guys,

Long story short I went out last night and had quite a bit to drink and also smoked some cigarettes (not a regular smoker). This morning I've woken up with what feels like a dull pain in my lower right hand part of my lung. I have quite a bit of trapped gas so it could be that but I also feel like my heart is beating quite rapidly. I'm terrified I have a blood clot in my lung from smoking those cigarettes!

Anyone who's had a PE let me know it your symptoms were quite minor at first!

26-02-20, 09:15
Hi guys,

Long story short I went out last night and had quite a bit to drink and also smoked some cigarettes (not a regular smoker). This morning I've woken up with what feels like a dull pain in my lower right hand part of my lung. I have quite a bit of trapped gas so it could be that but I also feel like my heart is beating quite rapidly. I'm terrified I have a blood clot in my lung from smoking those cigarettes!

Anyone who's had a PE let me know it your symptoms were quite minor at first!

Hi there

I have had two PE's in my life and I am 39..... what you describing does not by any means sounds like a PE - you would not be typing on here if you had one!
Your heart rate is rapid probably due to the fact that you stressing about having a PE.

Relax and take a deep breath!