View Full Version : Virus lasting eight weeks

26-02-20, 12:17
Hi everyone,

I have had what I’ve been told is a virus for eight weeks, and I’m just wondering if anyone else has ever had similar or knows of anyone who has?

It started on 2nd January with nausea and dizziness and was quite bad for the first week. During this time I saw two doctors and a nurse and had blood tests which were all fine apart from slightly high white blood cells, which the second doctor advised was a virus.

I then went on holiday for two weeks and the sickness would come and go, but it’s always been worse in the mornings (not pregnant). When I returned it was bad for two weeks, then fine and then got bad again. I’ve seen two more doctors who say it’s a virus, but have referred me for the camera procedure. I had a stool test to check if it’s bacterial but that came back fine. My latest symptoms are loose stools (ongoing for approx two weeks) and nausea that again comes and goes. I’ve had a couple of headaches but not sure if they’re related.

As I’m sure you can imagine, the fact it’s lasting so long is making me incredibly anxious which I know won’t be helping things.

26-02-20, 15:54
My husband and I, and then few people from both his, and my work place, had this strange, forever lingering virus cold that did the same: for few days I would feel really recovered, and then it would be back... It lasted for weeks on - maybe not 8, but cough was truly lingering forever. So, yes, it is possible. When you said Camera Procedure, what did you mean, what kind of examination?

26-02-20, 16:31
Thanks Lana. It will be eight weeks tomorrow of feeling sick on and off for me 😩

It’s a referral to the gastroenterologist which involve the camera procedure depending what they say.