View Full Version : 3 infections in 5 weeks, one after another?

26-02-20, 17:21
Hi all,

HA wise I think I am doing pretty well. However since mid Jan I seem to have been constantly ill! It has started to worry me a little bit and am wondering if anyone else has had this in their life?

New years my mum was rushed to hospital for emergency surgery from a bowel obstruction (scar tissue wrapped itself around her bowel) was beyond awful for 3 weeks. The day I took her home to me for me to care for her I developed tonsilitis. 7 days of penicillin and all was well.

2 weeks after this white tonsils again but no sore throat, terrible post nasal drip, gave me 10 days of penicillin, no change. It was actually a sinus infection so 5 days of doxycycline. Pain gone.

Day 4 of doxycycline started to have my second ever flare of diverticulitis. (Which is massively painful but we caught it in time)1st time 3 years ago it put me in hospital. Was given 7 days of metronidazole and felt much better the next day (yesterday)

Last night I had a terrible coughing fit (what the hell?!) And had a mucus chesty cough today and it feels quite tight.

Sick of this now. I'm on probiotics and have bought vitamin c tablets.

I had a blood test 10 days ago which showed slightly elevated white blood cell count (sinus infection) everything else all good.

If there was something awful wrong with me it would have shown in my blood test???

Not sure why I am getting one infection after another, has anyone else experienced this? Work and life is of course a bit stressful but I feel ok really.

Thanks for reading xx

05-03-20, 20:57
Hey :) You are totally normal. Wanted to give my two cents. It is amazing what stress does to the body, apparently it's as simple as a weak immune system due to the overload of the stress hormone. Not dangerous but a pain in the arse.

My dad died in August and I have had so many weird physical issues since. I had a terrible gut for 6 weeks that scared the life out of me, I couldn't stomach food, was always nauseas and in pain, got told it was stress. Then I had bouts of tonsilitis, coldsores and weird lumps in mouth - stress was the diagnosis. My dentist has told me I've started grinding my teeth pretty badly - stress. I then developed a vile rash around my mouth - fungal infection due to stress. Headaches, panic attacks, my IBS is the worse it's ever been and EVERYTHING has been put down to stress. Honestly don't worry, ride it out and as your mind starts to calm down, eventually these issues will too xxxx

29-03-20, 20:23
Hey :) You are totally normal. Wanted to give my two cents. It is amazing what stress does to the body, apparently it's as simple as a weak immune system due to the overload of the stress hormone. Not dangerous but a pain in the arse.

My dad died in August and I have had so many weird physical issues since. I had a terrible gut for 6 weeks that scared the life out of me, I couldn't stomach food, was always nauseas and in pain, got told it was stress. Then I had bouts of tonsilitis, coldsores and weird lumps in mouth - stress was the diagnosis. My dentist has told me I've started grinding my teeth pretty badly - stress. I then developed a vile rash around my mouth - fungal infection due to stress. Headaches, panic attacks, my IBS is the worse it's ever been and EVERYTHING has been put down to stress. Honestly don't worry, ride it out and as your mind starts to calm down, eventually these issues will too xxxx

Hi there!

I did not see your reply I'm sorry!

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. When you wrote this reply I was actually very I'll with bronchitis/pneumonia or (what it most likely was) covid-19!

Literally the day after I wrote this post I started to get a very tight chest, 3 days later I had a fever and was struggling to breathe with a choking cough. Ended up in hospital and have honestly never ever been so ill in my entire life.

Shortness of breath, drowning cough, fever, so much mucus I thought it would never go. 4 weeks later I am still coughing occasionally but much better. Thanks to inhalers and super strong antibiotics.

Can't believe after writing this post I managed to get another infection.

Thanks again :)

29-03-20, 21:17
I’m glad you’re better, sounds like a scary time.

29-03-20, 22:27

Certainly was! I'm almost certain it was covid-19, I could barely speak I was so short of breath and I have no underlying health issues and am 34 years old!

Just awful for those who have issues. Like my parents, son and husband.

Keep well all <3 x

28-06-20, 11:51
Hello again!


Since writing my last post I have had diverticulitis again and have just got over a severe kidney infection.

Really starting to worry now. I have a lot of blood tests planned on Thursday and just praying they're all clear.

The kidney infection was possibly the most ill I have been in my entire life!

Can all these antibiotics cause me to be more susceptible to infection?? I'm having superfood smoothies which I make myself. Super strong probiotics and immune support vitamins. I feel absolutely fine inbetween these infections and am not losing weight or bleeding etc. Docs want to discuss after blood tests are back. So scared!

Any experience anyone?

02-07-20, 18:09
Just reading your posts is very similar to what I’ve experienced and currently going through. I’ve bloated out and I have blood and protein in my urine. I’m convinced its Covid that has caused it, despite testing negative for the virus and antibodies. Since been told unless you’re swabbed within 5, ideally 3 days, it will probably be a false negative. The gold standard NHS antibody test that is suppose to be 100% is also producing negatives. Nothing wrong with the test but not everyone is producing antibodies. There T cells are suppressing the virus. If you bc want to bc PM feel free. I bc would really be interested in comparing symptoms. Your first post I read I thought, that was me. I could not get rid of the excessive mucus and had 2 lots of antibiotics for Sinus infection. Unbelievable. I hope you start to feel better.