View Full Version : Weird sensation as if someone punched me in the stomach area and sides while sleeping

26-02-20, 17:39
This past few months, while sleeping, I have that feeling like I been pinched in the stomach tickled or poked on the side that stops my breathing for a while.
I dream of certain persons when it happens but not always.

The feeling is real, then I wake up and feel ok.

I noticed this new sensation happening more when I get really down, sad and mentally stressed.

Sometimes no reason at all and out of the blue.

Could they all be just dream related?

I don't always get them, but when I do, they're really scary and uncomfortable.

I been having abdominal issues in my lower left side, mild discomfort there now and then and still waiting for a gastroenterologist appointment. So not sure if I should also mention this to the gastroenterologist?

I've had various blood and urine test few years ago and all normal.

The past few years I been getting the occasional sleep paralysis, even when I sleep on my side. I wake up can't breathe and pins and needles in my head.
But not always.