View Full Version : Headache/scalp strain

27-02-20, 00:03
Hey guys,

How are you all?

Recently my HA has been through the roof and I'm at the end of my tether with it. I lost my dad six months ago and had every physical manifestation of grief out there, only a few have triggered my HA but I understand a lot of them are due to stress, been having a lot of horrendous panic attacks too 😔 My latest fear is my head and it's driving me mad!! Could this be due to my high anxiety or something more sinister? Last week I lay down in bed and had a low bass ringing in my ear, I panicked there and then and also noticed that the right side of my scalp felt strained. It wasn't a headache as such, more like a really annoying pressure and it's very localised to one spot. The ringing has subsided but these head aches/scalp strains are still there, at first it was when I was lying down but I'm sat here now and it's there. Tugging lightly at my hair stops the pain as does massaging and applying pressure but when I stop it comes back. I'm obviously paranoid and obsessed that I have a brain tumor and it's taking over, I can feel myself spiralling. The location is the side/back, diagonally upwards from behind my ear. I have been told by my dentist that I have bruxism, but I don't know if this is the cause as I thought that pain was more around the jaw and temples. Also tension headaches are more like a band around the head and this is just one spot. It's not there constantly, it comes and goes and could possibly be positional although I'm unsure. Anyway, I'll stop my wittering, I just wanted to know if anyone else had experienced this?! I have no other symptoms - no nausea, it's not worse bending over/coughing/sneezing etc. I have had some feelings of lightheadedness but they have been when I start to get anxious or panic, not necessarily connected with this. Argh, it's driving me mad with worry!!! Please help!!!!
