View Full Version : Help please

08-10-07, 09:54
:lac: help i'm at work and feel like i'm goona pass out I'm really scared:weep:

My head feels funny and light headed and slight pressure around my forehead
I feel like crying but I have to keep it together cause I'm here at work.
All the scary things things are going through my mind like do I maybe have diabetes now or am I gonna have a heart attack or stroke and I can't control this negative thoughts.I know my blood pressure drops to low lately but i don't know why it does that the doc just said it's fine and put me on iron tablets and a vitamin

whats happening to me anyone please?:lac:

08-10-07, 13:06
awww hun, i'm sorry that you feel this way

i've felt like this many times at work. you've just got to convince yourself that its anxiety.

i know you feel like its not that and that your not even stressed but your brain is telling you otherwise just another way to get an adrenalin rush.

just distract yourself, go for a small walk, sips of water help.

just small things to help yourself calm down - i know this was a while ago and i hope that you feel better this afternoon


08-10-07, 13:27
Hi Cindy, sorry to hear your'e not feeling so good, I have had the same feeling this morning lots of pressure in my head and eyes and feeling dizzy and my vision went all blurry, it just came out of the blue, can't say I was feeling particularly anxious at the time but felt the old familiar feeelings of panic returning after quite along absence and I must admit it really scared me and my mind started racing thinking I was gonna pass out, have a heart attack, stroke etc. Anxiety is very good at messing with your mind, I think I have suffered every symptom under the sun in the last 7 years but it is still scary when you haven't had them for a while. Had you had any breakfast as sometimes low blood sugar can cause lightheadenness and panic symptoms. Try not to worry too much I know it's easier said than done, but go back to the docs if you still are worried. Take care
Love Lisa

08-10-07, 13:33
Hi Cindy, :hugs: :hugs:

Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. Try to take your mind off how you are feeling. Have you done any breathing exercises or relaxation?

Cindy if you use a computer at work, take breaks away from it, the lighting and lights in the office will bother you after long periods.

Also remember hun, that it is the anxiety and that you are fine, an nothing bad is going to happen to you hun. We all are here for you and you aren't alone in this.

Hang on, and try to think positive.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better IN Time!!

08-10-07, 13:48
Hi Cindy,

Do you have a friend at work who you could maybe have a five minute chat with? just to try and take your mind off it for a bit!

love lisa

09-10-07, 06:47
Hi everyone thanks for the replies.I feel a bit better this morning just hope it stays like this.

I really appreciate everyone's replies
lots of hugs and kisses