View Full Version : Update on kitchen - sorry guys just need a place to offload!!!!

08-10-07, 10:46
Long story.............Ive came on here to offload, stress levels soaring and its only Day 1 of my kitchen refit. Been up since 7.30 getting ready for them starting at 8am. They arrived at 9am. Man started pulling out old units and found a massive damp patch and floorboards all rotten underneath a few units - I had to phone the office and get that sorted - half hour later foreman came to have a look and OK no problem we will send a joiner this afternoon to replace. So all ok there then.

2nd incident - mouse droppings were found under another unit ..................yikees, Ive been in here 2and 1/2 yrs and never saw a mouse - thank god. Man says its strange to get them 3 flights up! Where the units were there are big holes next to the wall so Im freaking that a mouse will pop its head out..........along with big hairy spiders. After freaking again at the thought of it......................the man shouted Ive found it...............and threw this big grey furry mouse over the kitchen floor ....................I screamed and ran about like a headless chicken.................I had tried to act brave up until then..............only to find the man peeing himself laughing cos he knew it was a toy furry one and it even came with its own squeak!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could have strangled him.............but no, I took myself off to the bedroom to calm myself down. Whereby Lawrie tried to reassure me that it was a furry mouse and he was so glad cos he was shaking in his boots too lol. Seemingly the previous owners had a cat, so my theory is it must have brought a mouse in and it had hid behind the unit.................thats what Im beleiving anyway.
Man away for his tea break now..............waiting on joiner coming to replace my floor.

Problem 3........my stopcock for water to the kitchen hasnt got the handle thing to turn it off so he had to turn off all the water...................yes that means no water to flush toilet................Lawrie (who has now went back to his work) lovingly shouted this information from the bathroom :blush: . Great................relieved to find out it was only a pee :winks: lol.

Im writing this and trying to see the funny side, surrounded in a room like a bomb site! I had everything packed away neatly until Lawrie came in last night and decided he was going to cook us a lovely sunday roast..............so out came all the stuff I had neatly packed away thinking we were just going to have a take away or something easy. But no that would have been too simple. On top of that he had spent the afternoon in the pub watching the football so was slighty merry as he tried to move the appliances and lift up my laminate flooring...................which I wanted to keep................but is now broken up !!!!!

Just needed to get this off my chest before I went into a panic............less stressed now and glad I can write this down here........to be continued though ..................

Luv and Hugs Darkangel x

08-10-07, 12:47
Aaw d.a.,

Welcome to GG's world lol !!:madness:

I really feel for you, really I do - but I've been peeing myself laughing here !!

I told you I thought your Lawrie and my Steve must be related - but at least Lawrie trashed your laminate floor taking it up.....Steve trashed ours laying the darn stuff (mind you, it was the fake roll-out-cushion-floor type, and I believed he used a blunt Stanley knife !):mad::blush:

And your mouse.....it reminded me of the time we had a little 'rodent' prob when they knocked down an old warehouse at the end of our street. Found a flat mousey under the washing machine.....totally pancake flat, like it had been ironed lol - but how?!!:wacko::shrug:

You are doing absolutely fab mate, if you did but know it :yesyes: - you are managing to see the lighter side of things and that's great!! Doesn't mean the hassle is any less, but it sure helps you to cope with it !

You've brightened up a very frantic and dismal morning at work for me d.a. - thank you! :flowers:

Having said that, I really do hope your incidents are kept to a minimum from now on - but I shan't hold my breath ok? lol !!

lotsa luvs to you



08-10-07, 13:58
Oh Darkangle,

I feel for you but have to say that this post just made my day. I am still trying not to laugh, but that's way to funny not to laugh at.

Yes I think had I been you that I would have killed the worker. I too don't like mice.

My husband is always doing things to help, which in the end make things worse, he is by no means a repair man. But I must say he does try.

Try to think how nice it will be once all the work is over. I know that's hard when you in a bomb site at the moment.

Good luck with the rest and please keep us posted.

Take Care
Believe:yesyes: :yesyes:

08-10-07, 14:19
This will have to be your daily blog darling wont it - hey nearly day one done with now though eh!!!

Sorta laughed at the mouse thing but mentally hugged you at the same time so you wouldnt think I was laughing at you.

Had a pooh sort of Monday myself and quite frankly may go back up to bed with a jaffa cake in a mo!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

08-10-07, 15:49
Hi Angel:hugs:

I had to laugh at the kitchen antics:)

I do feel for you tho having lived through the kitchen nightmare myself last year:ohmy:

Try to keep sight of the fact that it will be worth it in the end:yesyes:

Waiting for the next instalment.......

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: