View Full Version : Sinus trouble

28-02-20, 12:08
Hi guys!
Sorry to ask having really bad sinus pain in my face and behind my eye and given me a headache for three days. What is the best home remedies you can think of for this? Is it just steaming to help relieve the pressure or what else should I do?

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28-02-20, 12:15
You can buy saline sprays as well which really helps me if I have those kinds of issues. You really have to 'get it up there' though.

I also find that sometimes I can hold my nose and (very) gently try and put pressure on my nostrils by blowing out that something gives a bit and relieves the pressure. Don't do it enough to pop your ears though.

28-02-20, 12:18
You can buy saline sprays as well which really helps me if I have those kinds of issues. You really have to 'get it up there' though.

I also find that sometimes I can hold my nose and (very) gently try and put pressure on my nostrils by blowing out that something gives a bit and relieves the pressure. Don't do it enough to pop your ears though.

Thank you I’ll take a look.... I’ve always been wary of Nasel spray as I had one to help protect from a cold and it gave me rhinitis. But I wonder is the saline to encourage moisture in the sinus to help?

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28-02-20, 12:28
The reason I chose saline spray is that it's not medicated. I have used a standard nasal spray in the past and whilst they work, I did get terrible rebound congestion. As far as I know saline is used because it's sterile, whereas normal water has the potential to cause further infection.

28-02-20, 12:32
The reason I chose saline spray is that it's not medicated. I have used a standard nasal spray in the past and whilst they work, I did get terrible rebound congestion. As far as I know saline is used because it's sterile, whereas normal water has the potential to cause further infection.

Brill I’ll head to pharmacy from uni and get some xx

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28-02-20, 13:29
Before I can get there I bought a peppermint tea and inhaled the steam it keeps coming in waves not pleasant! Sinus problems are not fun [emoji26][emoji26]

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28-02-20, 13:38
Try eucalyptus oil as well. A few drops in a bit bowl of steaming water can work wonders.

28-02-20, 17:37
Try eucalyptus oil as well. A few drops in a bit bowl of steaming water can work wonders.

Thank you just got home going to try steaming inhalation with olbas oil xx

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