View Full Version : Accident with laundry detergent. Feeling sick. Should I be worried?

29-02-20, 01:35
So my husband spilled an ENTIRE BOTTLE of liquid laundry detergent on the carpet in our small one bedroom apartment just before he had to leave for work, and I've been here alone feeling like I'm slowly choking or about to be unconscious because there is literally no way for me to escape the fumes. I have very sensitive sinuses and a very strong sense of smell as it is, and this feels like its killing me. Of course I've done my best to clean up the mess, but its still lingering in the air regardless of how many windows I leave open and the fans I've set up. I've been feeling awful and its just getting worse. I feel sick to my stomach, my sinuses are irritated, my throat is sore, I keep coughing this dry painful cough, I'm dizzy and my head is pounding. I don't want to go to the hospital or anything. But I did read that laundry detergent in large amounts is actually toxic and now I'm scared. Should I be worried? I don't know what to do. I called my husband and he says I'm probably over reacting because of my anxiety but my anxiety didn't really start to kick in until I started feeling bad.. The spill happened about an hour ago.

29-02-20, 07:24
I do think you’re overreacting a little. Can you open the windows and air it out? The smell will be stronger because it’s concentrated, but I wouldn’t worry too much.
You could always go out and come back later?

29-02-20, 16:53
It really can't hurt you.

You are getting panicky hence all the body sensations.

You will be fine.