View Full Version : Worried about my daughter......

29-02-20, 20:33
My anxiety is really high today.I have health anxiety.I also worry about loved ones health a lot.
My daughter is 13.Shes been to the bathroom to poo four times today. She says her poo is normal and formed and fine.(yes I asked)
This is not normal for her though.
She had pneumonia 6 weeks ago and took antibiotics. I am worried she will get c diff.
I am shaking, I feel like I cant handle life right now.like something bad is always lurking around the corner.
Any advice is welcome.

29-02-20, 21:11
You do realize this is a massive overreaction? Antibiotics mess with your digestion. She was probably just FOS :shrug:

Positive thoughts

29-02-20, 22:03
I would say that if she says she is fine and is otherwise acting normally then I would try to trust that. Our bodies are funny things, hers is at a stage full of growth and hormones. I’m sure she’ll be “fine” in the next day or so.

Her having pneumonia must have been very scary and you must still have anxiety about that. Try not to let it control your judgement.

29-02-20, 22:37
The most important thing here is to not pass on your HA to a 13 year old. Keep it to yourself.

One day of different toilet habits is completely meaningless.

01-03-20, 00:31
Thanks for your replies. Also for letting me vent.
I asked her if it was normal, besides that I haven't said a word.Shes not concerned so I can't show too much concern.posting here has really helped me