View Full Version : Ongoing loud noises in stomach and under right rib and bowel/colon....

29-02-20, 21:56
I have been scanning the forum for what seems like forever now to see if anyone has the same symptoms etc as me. I do have health anxiety and i am fully aware that anxiety and stress can increase symptoms so id appreciate kind comments :)

I had h.pylori back 15 years ago which was eradicated. Then i developed gastritis. I have had IBS for as long as I can remember.

On November the 8th 2019 I had started with gas and lots of belching and had yellow coloured stools. So went to the Dr and he said eat more....:unsure:
The rumbling started underneath my right rib which concerned me as Ive never had this before and of course because of my gallbladder being taken out I was worried that it may have been that. I went to the hospital in December and told the Dr that I was petrified of tests as I have a huge health anxiety over any type of Cancer. She took the bloods and it was the longest wait of my life. She came back with my results and said, all good news, no sign of any infections and liver and kidneys all ok.

Ive been back to see the Dr 5/6 times since then and they all say IBS. I keep mentioning the noises to them and they keep telling me its muscles contracting, active peristalsis. but why only one side?! They keep giving me medication which isnt working and my bowel movements have been so unpredictable, soft mushy undigested or normal with lots of mucus around it and wiping away the mucus. Colours are a range between a yellow, orange, brown. Im at my wits end with it all. I want to ask the Dr for a stool test but im so afraid of what the results will come back with.

These noises are messing with my mental health, seems like a never ending cycle. Its been 4 months of it and all im getting told is IBS. I dont get any pain or cramping if i do its very slight. So Im wondering if this could be more than ibs and should I push for more tests although im petrified of the outcome of actual tests. I asked the dr if the noises could indicate cancer and she said no your bloods were ok.
I realise that my health anxiety is making this all worse, but it doesnt help that my friend passed away last week at the age of 40 with bowel cancer and he had no symptoms.
Any kind advice would be welcomed x

29-02-20, 22:00
I remember when I had gastritis that I really noticed the sounds in my stomach. Also because I was eating less, my stools were slightly different than “normal”.
I would say that given your anxiety and tests that it is nothing other than your anxiety.

You’ve had countless opinions, what do you want to hear from them?

29-02-20, 22:19
Whether I should ask for a stool test incase of any infections etc.
Or if anyone has had similar, or be told its IBS but ended up being Diverticulitus, or Colitis etc.
Im petrified even looking at a toilet at the moment and I know that's not normal and just my heightened anxiety. Ive had severe anxiety for 18 years so im aware of my thoughts and the patterns. But have had bad health anxiety for 2 years and I cant take anymore of the mental torture.


01-03-20, 10:16
Hi Cass, health anxiety is torture!
And you've just recently had a trigger. :hugs:
You have this ongoing fear of cancer, which has been spiked by a bodily symptom and the sad news you received last week.
If a bowel sample will put your mind at rest, then it's worth having it done for peace of mind.
But I know from my own experience, when you eat less and go for long periods without eating, it can muck up your bowel movements and cause trapped wind in that area you are talking about.
The thing is, your worry is not going to go away unless you get an opinion.
Googling is not reliable and will only feed the health anxiety, but you know that already and I understand you are looking for an answer.
You could ask your GP to see a specialist.
But for your peace of mind for now, I think your diet and worrying plays a big part in your symptoms.
Carnation x

02-03-20, 00:21
Thanks Carn x

02-03-20, 18:29
You are welcome, hope you get some more replies x