View Full Version : Help - feel bleurgh!

01-03-20, 15:26
Sorry if this is a bit long but if anybody can help I would be very thankful, I am convinced I won't last the day out!

Woken from my sleep this morning around 5am with really severe headache right side only. Get this quite often and some days it won't shift even with painkillers. Just the one side, feels heavy, thudding.

last few days have felt wobbly.....tingling to body, even sat here typing feels like I am tingling even to my bum sat on the chair!! Feel dizzy with it, so when I stand up I wait for a moment before moving. sometimes feels like a whoosh of my body. Feel weak.

Bit of a sore throat but nothing to speak about really, been there a few days.

I have felt like this before, occasionally. Maybe for a few hours or a day.

Go to bed and as I am drifting off I can feel this loud long growl from my throat, sometimes it is more a jittery noise and I feel I am shaking.

The only other thing - and I don't think for a moment it has anything to do with it because I have experienced all / some of the above before hand, was I had a sedative at the dentist on Wednesday for treatment, and am on antibiotics which I am not known to have an allergy to.

Its a lovely day today and I really want to get out and about but every time I stand I feel so weak and shuffly dizzy that I haven't had confidence to do so.

Can anybody relate to this please? all or any of it? thank you in advance x

01-03-20, 19:17

I think most of the things you've talked about here are all feelings you've had before, so you seem aware that they are transitory. I think most people here have had days where they feel symptoms are ontop of them and they don't feel like doing much - how are you now ?

01-03-20, 19:25
Thank you Carys.

Yes, you are possibly correct, but not all at the same time which is worrying me, plus I have a mild temperature I think, flushed and feel warm. Lots of nausea. Headache still there, ears feel like I am listening through a bucket.

I am sure I will feel better tomorrow if I can get some sleep tonight x

01-03-20, 20:37
Oh maybe you have a bug then ? If you are unwell tomorrow maybe ring the prescriber of the antibiotic, its probably not be related of course and I don't know what dental work you had done - but is it possible that is affecting you ? All of the symptoms you describe can be from being anxious, but then you are aware of that, and only you know if you are really under the weather or not. Just another thought - were you very worked up about the dental work ?