View Full Version : Angiogram

Elly 2
08-10-07, 12:11
I'm hoping someone might be able to help. I have seen a specialist today cos the pains in my chest/stomach are getting worse. Earlier this year I had a treadmill stress test to rule out heart which was normal but the gastro specialist I saw this morning said stress test wasn't always conclusive and said I might have to have an angiogram. This has sent me into complete overload with panic. It was bad enough trying to cope with going in the first place but now I am so worried and the pains are getting worse as we speak! I'm sure that is because I'm panicking now but has anyone had an angiogram and if so what was it like. Sorry to prattle on but I'm in a state.

08-10-07, 12:56
Hi Elly, I havent had that test but its good they are checking you out 100%:yesyes: .

when I had the H plyori infection in my stomach I got some terrible pains in my chest and stomach,they felt like heart pains(just a thought).
Let us know how u get on.:hugs:

Elly 2
08-10-07, 14:36
Thanks Mirry, I know it's daft getting in such a state, but all I seam to do is constantly focus on the pain which of course makes it feel a lot worse. My husband has lost all patience with me and I have got to the stage where I daren't mention it to him because he says that because I have had the treadmill test and it was negative that I should accept it isn't heart related but I just can't stop worrying about it. The other problem is I don't have any friends to talk to about it so I just keep worrying. Anyway thankyou for your thoughts I will keep you posted x

08-10-07, 15:38
no its not daft, health anxiety is difficult enough but without anyone to talk to , its torture. Keep us informed how it goes,Im sure you are fine :hugs: .

08-10-07, 16:22
Hi elly
i had an angiogram and although a frightening thought it was fine to have done and all was ok thank goodness.

you get taken into hospital for only a few hours you are awake whilst they are doing it and you can see everything that is going on.

You get taken into theatre, they give you a local in your groin which feels just like a little pinch and then they insert a little thin tube in to it. That goes all the way up to your heart and you get to see all that is going on.
There was just one bit that i didn't like, it didn't hurt it was just a funny sensation as it got near to your heart but the doctor was aware this was going to happen and warned me.
After that ( it only lasts about 10 minutes) you get taken back to the ward where they will pull the tube out and a nurse will stand pushing pressure on that part for at least 15 minutes really hard, then they make you lie down for an hour,then you have to sit up for an hour before getting out of bed, then give you lunch. After that the doc comes round and tells you whats what. Then you can go home.

The only thing that i didn't like was wanting to go a wee and i wasn't allowed, only on a bed pan and can i go on them can i heck. so please try not to worry. it's not as bad as you think.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Elly 2
08-10-07, 17:33
Nanny, thankyou so much, that has made me feel a bit better. If it's not too much to ask, why did you have to have an angiogram. If it's too personal please don't feel obliged to answer it, it was just that I am having chest pains that I asked.
Once again many many thanks for your reassurance.

09-10-07, 08:51
:) You can aks anything you like Elly,

I was having chest pains also, and i was very breathless. So after all the treadmill lark they said i should have that done coz of family history !!!!

on my mums side..........

my uncle suffered 3 heart attacks in his 30's ended up having open heart surgery. he's in his 60's now and is waiting for another.

My mum has had a tripple bypass, also one of my aunts.

Another aunt had a heart attack too and now sufferes badly with angina and has a pacemaker.

RUDDY HELL there aint much hope for me is there:blush: :blush: :blush:

Honest angiogram is nothing to wory about in the case of having it done.
i wish you all the best:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Elly 2
12-10-07, 09:17
Hi Nanny,
Oh you poor thing, your family have really been through the mill. I do hope that all goes well for them and for you. Thankyou for your reassurance though, it has made me feel more relaxed about it.
I wish you all the best too
Thankyou again
Elly x

12-10-07, 10:00
My mom had an angiogram done a couple weeks back, they put 2 stents in her while they were there and she is able to do a lot more now thats for sure. But to answer your question about it she said that it didnt hurt at all and that she didnt feel a thing except they messed up pulling the tube out and some of the dye splashed into the cut on her groin. other then that though she said she didnt feel a thing. Hope it helps you some!