View Full Version : Really need some reassurance

02-03-20, 21:06
I’m trying not to over think or panic or worry. I have had a headache since last Wednesday the first day and Friday I went to bed with it and put it down to over tiredness or a migraine though it didn’t quite get to the peak my normal migraines do or fully subside like my migraines do.
This has continued and today it started about 1pm and has been there ever since.
My silly worrying is questioning have I been so stressed recently it could be my blood pressure or stress headaches. Then my next questions are is it normal to have persistent headaches for this long? Then my next concern is, is it a virus as I thought I was a bit run down and wondered if it was my sinuses but I don’t have a streaming or blocked nose. Then could it be hay fever? It’s not dehydration or my diet unless I’ve become intolerant to all the foods I’m not intolerant to. I even tried to relax and stretch my neck muscles in case it’s my posture? I’m a little scared and luckily have a doctors appointment tomorrow I’m just concerned and really pissed off now because I can’t carry on my normal day to day now it’s getting that bad.

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02-03-20, 21:09
If you're stressed you can have a permanent headache.

02-03-20, 22:31
If you're stressed you can have a permanent headache.

Stress is a good clue and perhaps it’s smaller more frequent migraines linked to hormones as my hormones are all off whack atm and I’m on HRT

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02-03-20, 22:40
So what is it specifically you're seeking reassurance for? Normal life stress? Would it really help you telling you its normal?

Positive thoughts

03-03-20, 05:19
Did it feel like a normal migraine?

I get migraines, but I also get tension headaches - the migraines are worse but the tension headaches stick around for days on end.

03-03-20, 06:12
Did it feel like a normal migraine?

I get migraines, but I also get tension headaches - the migraines are worse but the tension headaches stick around for days on end.

Heya! No it didn’t feel like a normal migraine like 50% of migraine pain and also on both sides on my head paracetamol relievers the right sided pain a bit but the left prevailed and pain across my for head and bridge of nose.
My migraines stay on the right side normally and make me light and sound sensitive and leave me vomiting.

I’ve just woken up and i got pain above my right eye brow....

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03-03-20, 06:24
Yep, if I was experiencing what you are right now, I'd assume I had a tension headache with a migraine on the way.

03-03-20, 06:25
Yep, if I was experiencing what you are right now, I'd assume I had a tension headache with a migraine on the way.

Thanks blue.... what relieves them? A week of them are driving me insane

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03-03-20, 06:40
Time, mostly, although lavender oil on my temples can help ease them. Co-codamol can also be helpful, but you need to save it for when they're being really annoying because overuse can cause all manner of problems including more headaches.

03-03-20, 06:42
Time, mostly, although lavender oil on my temples can help ease them. Co-codamol can also be helpful, but you need to save it for when they're being really annoying because overuse can cause all manner of problems including more headaches.

That’s a shame I can only take paracetamol as opiates drop my blood pressure so none of the -eines are an option for me nor is Ibuprofen due to asthma

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03-03-20, 06:55
So what is it specifically you're seeking reassurance for? Normal life stress? Would it really help you telling you its normal?

Positive thoughts

The root cause of pain was all I was trying to demystify to prevent my imagination going into overdrive

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03-03-20, 06:59
Sorry about that. I try to avoid ibuprofen, too, because of possible interactions with citalopram. If you have low blood pressure, I'm guessing your GP wouldn't offer you a beta blocker, either, which is what I've been given when mine are particularly bad.

That’s a shame I can only take paracetamol as opiates drop my blood pressure so none of the -eines are an option for me nor is Ibuprofen due to asthma

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03-03-20, 07:04
Sorry about that. I try to avoid ibuprofen, too, because of possible interactions with citalopram. If you have low blood pressure, I'm guessing your GP wouldn't offer you a beta blocker, either, which is what I've been given when mine are particularly bad.

I have got a follow up at my gp today and I can’t wait to tell her I only had one panic attack in 8 days so I’m not in my neurotic state hopefully she will shed some light on my headaches too and find a way to manage it. I had epileptic drugs before for my migraines think they helped that when I ended up in hospital they were so severe I couldn’t get fluids in me for the vomiting had to be put on ivs. Probably why I’m a little fearful of headaches and stuff as I’ve had a few ct scans because of them too.

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03-03-20, 07:06
That makes sense, yes. My migraines were never that bad but I had a lot of problems with auras a couple of years back.

That's really impressive about the panic attacks, though - proud of you!

03-03-20, 07:11
That makes sense, yes. My migraines were never that bad but I had a lot of problems with auras a couple of years back.

That's really impressive about the panic attacks, though - proud of you!

Thank you! Its been a reviled and a few of my trigger paranoias have calmed immensely. For saying I was house bound and triggered by the tiniest things thing have settled a lot. Which I am relieved I feel I can trust myself more. I think when I had such a mega panic attack a couple of weeks ago where I rang for help I just got to a point I was like this is it. Yes my panic attacks can be super intense and terrifying but the don’t kill me they aren’t a stroke and they aren’t a heart attack now is the time to heal. And I pushed with meditation breathing and thinking positively but now I’m just exhausted all the time and got these horrible headaches. So it will take time xx

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03-03-20, 10:12
It's good that you're learning to separate a panic attack from a near death experience. The main issue people face with anxiety is when anxiety becomes it's own trigger, so keep going with the meditation and breathing.

For the headaches it's probably worth trying something like a long bath or some exercise (even though you won't feel like it) because muscle tension is a bugger to relieve sometimes.

03-03-20, 13:31
Just had a shock my mum rang and said she had witness an elderly man have nasty fall and it was where she had her fall and broke her leg. I went all anxious brained and got horrible chest pain I’m lying down doing breathing! Triggered!!

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03-03-20, 14:46
I once had chronic daily headaches for 6 months. My doctor tried me on several migraine medications, one of which made everything in my body numb except for the head pain. He finally sent me for a sinus and brain CT scan and to an ENT for evaluation believing it was sinus related. The CT came back clear and the ENT came up with no problems on his inspection. As I side point, I also remember immediately after the scan looking at a tech who had a worried look on her face but clearly it was nothing.

The headaches finally went away around when a friend suggested I try Excedrin here in the US. I don't know if it was the Excedrin or just accepting the scan results but they went away. I never had an explanation for them.

03-03-20, 14:55
Just had a shock my mum rang and said she had witness an elderly man have nasty fall and it was where she had her fall and broke her leg. I went all anxious brained and got horrible chest pain I’m lying down doing breathing! Triggered!!

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Why would this trigger you? :huh:

03-03-20, 15:01
Why would this trigger you? :huh:

A lot of all my fears and triggers come from emergency situations and past traumas

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03-03-20, 15:08
I once had chronic daily headaches for 6 months. My doctor tried me on several migraine medications, one of which made everything in my body numb except for the head pain. He finally sent me for a sinus and brain CT scan and to an ENT for evaluation believing it was sinus related. The CT came back clear and the ENT came up with no problems on his inspection. As I side point, I also remember immediately after the scan looking at a tech who had a worried look on her face but clearly it was nothing.

The headaches finally went away around when a friend suggested I try Excedrin here in the US. I don't know if it was the Excedrin or just accepting the scan results but they went away. I never had an explanation for them.

What is excedrin?

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03-03-20, 15:59
A lot of all my fears and triggers come from emergency situations and past traumas

Aha ok, makes sense.

03-03-20, 17:00
Hey guys went to GP today and she said it’s tension headaches I’ve been experiencing. Gonna have my bloods done to rule everything else out [emoji4]

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03-03-20, 18:46
What is excedrin?

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It's acetominophen with caffeine and sometimes includes aspirin. Apparently in the UK this combination is called Anadin Extra. It's the only thing I take for headaches now and a friend of mine with migraines said she uses it for her issues, too.

03-03-20, 19:04
It's acetominophen with caffeine and sometimes includes aspirin. Apparently in the UK this combination is called Anadin Extra. It's the only thing I take for headaches now and a friend of mine with migraines said she uses it for her issues, too.
I cannot take caffiene but thank you for the tip