View Full Version : Was this a panic attack?

08-10-07, 12:46
Hello everyone, I haven't had a full blown panic attack for ages although have still been getting general anxiety symptoms but when I got up this morning I had toothache which I have had off and on for months and I have a phobia of dentists so have not done anything about it. Anyway the toothache was quite bad this morning and the pain was all in my jaw and I also had a headache as well so I took 2 co-codamol tablets after about 5 minutes I had such a weird sensation in my head, like a PRESSURE feeling and then it went into my neck, arms and chest and I felt like I couldn't breathe and then my heart started beating very fast and then I went all dizzy and my vision went all blurry. I went upstairs to my partner and was in a right state and he was trying to calm me down and I sat on the bed for a few minutes then it started to pass. It has really upset me and I am all on edge waiting for it to come back. I suffered with panic attacks for 4 years after my son was born who is now 7 and was diagnosed with Post-natal depression and panic disorder. I also suffered with Health anxiety, I went on to have another baby who is now 18 months old and I have not had post-natal depression this time but have still suffered with General anxiety. I reaally hope this was a one off as I can't go back to how I was as it scares the life out of me and don't think I could get through it again. I also keep getting tingling in my left hand in the fingertips, I am also due on my period which often makes my anxiety worse but this senasation has really scared me and I don't know what to do, should I go to the doctors to get checked out or do you think it could have just been a panic attack. I have still got the toothache but am terrified of going to the dentist and also I am not registered with our local dentist anymore as they struck me off the list as I hadn't been for so long. I would be so grateful for any advice.
Love Lisa xxx

08-10-07, 13:30
Hello Lisa sorry to hear your having such a rough time.I had the dentist on Thursday so I know what you mean:weep: Sounds like your having anxiety attacks to me,the co codamol could have upset you to.I know your terrified of the dentist, so am I.I would rather see them and get it sorted than have terrible tooth ache,I cant cope with tooth ache.:ohmy: :ohmy: I hope you feel better soon.
Big Hug:hugs: :hugs: