View Full Version : Getting Older!

03-03-20, 09:05
I’m going through a nasty renewal of Health Anxiety which has been pretty absent, or at least much milder, in the last couple of years. I have managed to diagnose myself with two life-threatening illnesses which have been definitely ruled out by tests and guess what – the symptoms which were so worrying me have all but disappeared. However, my subconscious has managed to replace them with a flare-up of acid reflux which I am wresting with at the moment, so far without googling!

However, what I wanted to ask was; are there any other people here who are finding Health Anxiety harder to deal with as they get older? I’ve had it on & off since my mid-twenties and I was always able to say to myself “well, this or that cancer is very rare in people of my age, so it’s unlikely to be that!” That was a great help. But this time I’m 62 – and I can’t say that anymore and I’m finding that very hard to deal with.

03-03-20, 13:06
I cant speak for your situation, but I feel like my anxiety goes in waves. It was really bad 10 years ago and it got better for a few years, then came back a little and gets better. I think life stress effects anxiety levels. I suggest going for a checkup with a dr and give yourself some reassurance.

03-03-20, 17:30
Yep my HA is definitely getting worse with age. Unfortunately - more stuff goes wrong with age and if it's not happening to you, it's happening to someone around or close to you.....

03-03-20, 19:17
I agree. I think the loss of a very old & dear friend in October who was just the same age as me started all this nonsense off.

03-03-20, 20:45
Me too.... I’m 46 and little things freak me out all the time:weep:

03-03-20, 22:48
I'm 62 and my anxiety started at menopause and when my father died. Hard to deal with some days. On no meds. But yes when getting older bothers me more.

03-03-20, 23:34
I just turned 61 and while I'm not a sufferer, the reality of my life reaching the end years is very real. Despite feeling pretty good considering the real physical issues I have, I know my days are numbered realistically. My heart could go or my cancer return or some other physical issue could arise. Seeing the musicians I admired growing up passing on as well as friends and family bring that reality home in a very personal way.

That said, I truly don't fear death. I just hope its quick and as painless as possible. In the meantime, I plan on living my life to the fullest each and every day. Living in fear of dying is not living and the only regrets we have are the things we didn't do due to that fear.

Positive thoughts

04-03-20, 00:09
Yes, it's a bit of a worry, my HA also comes in flares which is mostly related to my CFS/autoimmune flares. At 63, I've had autoimmune issues for 30+ years and it's been a very stressful experience.

I do remind myself that my dad was 87 when he passed (of pneumonia after a fall) and my mother was 91 (of old age). There is longevity on her side of the family so hopefully I have another 20 years but who knows?!! I do get all the relevant health checks each year (mammogram, smear test) and skin checks and blood tests as needed, so I'm doing the best I can with my health.

I try to take it one day at a time and enjoy that day and focus on the positive aspects of my life ie my lovely fiance and our life together. I'm lucky that I can still work part time as a relieving teacher and also exercise each day.

I especially looking forward to becoming a Nana in July when my first grandchild is born ... so exciting :yahoo:

04-03-20, 06:15
Oh, congratulations! How wonderful to have something that exciting to look forward to! Unfortunately I have no children so can't imagine how super that must be.

I think the point about living one day at a time & using that day to its fullest extent is what matters most. My mother, God rest her, was a super-perfectionist. Everything had to be 'just so' and if it wasn't, you had to concentrate on what was wrong & put it right before you could do anything else. I think my HA is sort of like that attitude. "Is my body working perfectly? If not, put everything else on hold!" Whose body can work perfectly? (But my mum died at 89 & has a surviving sister in Canada who is 102, so at least she left me her genetics as well as her bad habits!)

04-03-20, 08:36
I'm 61 and not allowed to be ill as I have 2 adult children on the autistic spectrum. I'm busier than I ever was and don't ever think that I am old even though I am! I am afraid of getting cancer and being unable to care for my children but have all the screening tests and cross my fingers...!!!


04-03-20, 08:38
Yes, it's a bit of a worry, my HA also comes in flares which is mostly related to my CFS/autoimmune flares. At 63, I've had autoimmune issues for 30+ years and it's been a very stressful experience.

I do remind myself that my dad was 87 when he passed (of pneumonia after a fall) and my mother was 91 (of old age). There is longevity on her side of the family so hopefully I have another 20 years but who knows?!! I do get all the relevant health checks each year (mammogram, smear test) and skin checks and blood tests as needed, so I'm doing the best I can with my health.

I try to take it one day at a time and enjoy that day and focus on the positive aspects of my life ie my lovely fiance and our life together. I'm lucky that I can still work part time as a relieving teacher and also exercise each day.

I especially looking forward to becoming a Nana in July when my first grandchild is born ... so exciting :yahoo:

That's wonderful news, WM! Congratulations! xx

04-03-20, 17:44
Oh, congratulations! How wonderful to have something that exciting to look forward to! Unfortunately I have no children so can't imagine how super that must be.

I think the point about living one day at a time & using that day to its fullest extent is what matters most. My mother, God rest her, was a super-perfectionist. Everything had to be 'just so' and if it wasn't, you had to concentrate on what was wrong & put it right before you could do anything else. I think my HA is sort of like that attitude. "Is my body working perfectly? If not, put everything else on hold!" Whose body can work perfectly? (But my mum died at 89 & has a surviving sister in Canada who is 102, so at least she left me her genetics as well as her bad habits!)

The putting everything on hold bit is SO true!! That woke me up a bit ��