View Full Version : Lymphoma/leukemia fears

03-03-20, 15:40
Ugh, what a year it’s been! So, I’m freaking out a little bit over here. I’m a 23 female with (I believe) a relatively good immune system except for whatever it is I caught this year. It feels like a head cold with the usual stuffiness, headache, mucous, sore throat symptoms. Although it’s been around for almost 3 weeks. I’ve noticed that I’m beginning to sweat in my sleep which I’ve never had before. I wake up with my legs and lower back feeling wet and my scalp a little bit. I go back to bed and I wake up normally but feeling a little warm. I decided to look into it since it’s been happening for a bit and of course lymphoma or leukemia pops up! Now I’m extremely worried. I’ve read that prolonged head colds and night sweats can be a sign. Of course I’m going to get tests but I’m extremely worried about the likelihood of being what I’m fearing the most. It doesn’t help that my wedding is this year and that the coronavirus is here. Why can’t I feel normal?

03-03-20, 16:12

So sorry you're dealing with a cold. Congrats on your wedding this year.

It looks like you've succumbed to the terrors of Google. Let me provide you with some facts to help ground you in reality. First and foremost, you have a cold. These things can last for a while especially if you are under some stress. Second, the sweating associated with lymphoma is referred to as "drenching." Drenching night sweats are where you wake up and have to change your sheets and pajamas because they are soaked through. What you describe is what happens when you're battling a cold. Completely normal.

Take some deep breaths when these lymphoma thoughts enter your mind and challenge them with the two facts I've just given you. Of course, stay off of Google.

Best Wishes

03-03-20, 18:07
Thank you for the response! It helped me clear my mind a bit. I think the fact that it’s an important year and also that I don’t really get sick has made me worry more. Of course, not everyone is immune to the viruses circling around but we hope to be! This one floating around is pretty bad. I’ll be checking my lymph nodes as a precaution and will see my doctor since this cold has been lingering.

I really appreciate your help.

03-03-20, 19:00
I would actually counsel you not to even check your nodes. I'm assuming you aren't a trained medical professional so you don't quite know what is normal/abnormal. Going to the doctor for a cold that has lasted 3 weeks isn't a bad idea as you may be fighting a sinus infection where antibiotics may help.

Also, it is completely normal to feel the way you are with something big coming up. Clinical Psychologist Brene Brown calls it foreboding joy. It's where we expect bad things to happen because good things are happening. The remedy, express gratitude. Recognize that you're creating a story in your mind and that it's just a story.

Best Wishes.