View Full Version : Should I be worried about 5 year old’s fevers?

03-03-20, 20:44
Hey you guys

Hope everyone is well. My almost 5 year old has been getting sick really often this year! He had the stomach flu with a fever a month ago (his sis had it too), then he had strep throat with fever two weeks ago then just last night I went to go check on him he was burning up again and he had a 101 fever. I checked on him this morning and he was okay. But why is this happening to him? Is it just a weak immune system?

He had something similar over the summer and I took him to the ER, they checked his bloods and all was fine. But now I’m worried again :(

03-03-20, 21:14
Hey you guys

Hope everyone is well. My almost 5 year old has been getting sick really often this year! He had the stomach flu with a fever a month ago (his sis had it too), then he had strep throat with fever two weeks ago then just last night I went to go check on him he was burning up again and he had a 101 fever. I checked on him this morning and he was okay. But why is this happening to him? Is it just a weak immune system?

He had something similar over the summer and I took him to the ER, they checked his bloods and all was fine. But now I’m worried again :(

I think it’s just winter. There were 9 kids off in one day in my 6yo’s class 2 weeks ago. My daughter was one of them!

It’s worrying and annoying, but take your cues from your child and how they are behaving.

18-03-20, 03:23
So that was March 3rd and now on March 16th he got sick AGAIN! Fever with a sore throat and nasal congestion. He went to school Friday so maybe he picked up something because Monday night he was burning up with a fever again. He usually recovers fast but this time he has had a fever since yesterday. Should I be worried? He seems well in between episodes. My heart just hurts with all this worrying. I love him so much. Could something be seriously wrong? Or is he just one of those kids that gets sick easily?

18-03-20, 04:07
Kids get fevers. They get sick a lot. If it gets too high, over 102F, then take him in. Otherwise, lots of fluids, bed rest, foods easy on the stomach. Give meds recommended by the pediatrician to help with the symptoms.

18-03-20, 23:55
Really? Every 14 days though? This is the fourth time in two months. Is there anyone with a similar experience? Please please respond if you have been through something similar and it has been okay. I’m so worried :( Any advice or experiences

19-03-20, 03:33
Yes, we went through this with my niece and it turns out she had a food allergy.

19-03-20, 07:30
Has he just started in reception?
I remember once being told to wait until after Easter, as that’s when a lot of the bugs go.
I mean, not this year because everything is crazy, but ‘normally’.

19-03-20, 13:36
Is reception the same thing as kindergarten? If so, then yes. He started in September. He also doesn’t touch fruits or veggies so his eating habits are very poor, which I’m sure contributes to a weak immune system. He is getting better now, thank God. I have ordered some immunity boosting gummies for him and have thrown out all sugar in the house. From now on he will be eating unprocessed food as much as possible

19-03-20, 16:30
Thrown out all sugar during a world crisis? You are brave!
Yes kindergarten and reception are the same. It’s so common for them to get lots of bugs. Plus he seems to be fighting them off quite quickly.
I bought probiotics too, the chocolate ball ones. Not sure if they help, but I wanted her to have a healthy gut.

19-03-20, 16:40
To be honest I had only two choc chip cookies and 3 Kool Aid pouches. So it wasn’t much. We still have lollies and ice creams in the deep freezer downstairs that he doesn’t have access too.

I spoke to doc and she said she isn’t worried at this point but to bring him in if fever continues or I notice other symptoms . So I’m staying calm

19-03-20, 16:57
That’s good, I’m sure he’ll be ok soon

19-03-20, 18:08
Thank you Scass.

I feel incredibly anxious now. The doc said if he loses weight, looks pale or keeps getting a fever then she needs to see him and have his bloodwork done. I am sooooo jittery that I keep checking his temps and I keep wondering if he looks pale and because he’s not a good eater he is not at a good weight. I am a complete mess!!!! I need to calm down I know.

19-03-20, 18:12
Make sure he's getting something like Pedialyte to help boost his caloric intake and make sure he gets all his vitamins.

19-03-20, 19:09
I think the more we look at them sometimes, the paper they look!
Judge him by his behaviour as well. Put down the thermometer for a while too x

19-03-20, 20:33
I think the more we look at them sometimes, the paper they look!
Judge him by his behaviour as well. Put down the thermometer for a while too x

True statement and good advice. The anxious mind can certainly influence what you perceive and make you doubt indisputable physical evidence. I remember seeing a video from a woman that claimed her hands were atrophied from ALS (and it turned out to be an ex member).It was as obvious as the sun in the sky they weren't but she still doubted despite clean medical reports, tests and exams. We still see that here often. 'Look at this rash, bump, toenail, poo' ... Yes poo! And various body parts that would be much better left covered :scared15:

He's doing better so just carry on as normal. That's good for you and good for him. I know you're being hyper vigilant but it'll be pretty obvious if something's up.

Positive thoughts

06-04-20, 16:51
Yesterday night I had a complete meltdown. I thought my son had a fever again. His arms and hands were warm but his face and mouth was cool. I checked his temp three times with a thermometer but my paranoia was getting the best of me. I knew at the time that I should not have done that in front of him because he will pick up on my anxiety. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this before because my physical symptoms were awful and so real. My heart was racing, I felt cold and clammy and I literally thought that oh goodness he has a fever again and we haven’t gone out in forever (so he couldn’t have picked up a big). I thought that this was the sign of leukaemia as over the weeks I have been very diligent about his meals, food and vitamins. I spent the whooooole night in fear and checked on him 7 times before I could go to bed. My husband was concerned about my behaviour as he has never seen me like this. Maybe it’s the social isolation and the huge change in our daily life that caused this reaction. But now I’m beyond paranoid of him getting a fever. Are warm hands and arms normal? He was burning up from the hands and arms but no fever. I’m afraid it might be a sign that he will get a fever soon :(

06-04-20, 17:01
I thought a fever was cold hands & feet. Nothing wrong with warm arms x