View Full Version : Sleep issues?

04-03-20, 05:51
Does anyone else suffer from sleep problems with anxiety? This started for me in January, I simply wouldn't be able to fall asleep, I'd be awake until 2-3 am then up again at 5am for work. This could happen 3-4 nights per week, I followed all the usual crap, no caffeine, bed at a certain time, get up if you can't sleep and if I am honest I think the get up if you can't sleep made the issue worse as I spent all night roaming around the house feeling more anxious as it felt like I was the only one in the world awake.

I then came across a book called the sleep book, it told to do the opposite and promoted quiet wakefulness meaning you just lay there in bed if you can't sleep resting. This has helped a lot as it only happens maybe once per week now but its still happening and I can't figure out why.

Last night for example, I was in bed at 9pm, I fell asleep some time between 12-1am, thats a long time to just be laying there with your thoughts. I can't figure out why this happens to be honest, my anxiety is greatly down, its there yes but doesn't bother me any more. My heart was skipping and messing about unless the body itself felt anxious but the mind was relaxed.

Any one else struggle falling to sleep?

04-03-20, 09:52
I would estimate this happens to about 75% of people who have/had anxiety.

Try and remember that anxiety doesn't always provide you with immediate feedback, and just because you don't 'feel' anxious right now, it doesn't mean your CNS isn't still reeling from what happened weeks/months before.

In my experience, your book is suggesting the right approach. You can't fight insomnia, you just have to learn to live with it until it passes. I also read a lot of information about dealing with insomnia and something that often worked for me was just getting up and walking around for 5 minutes, or getting a drink of water etc. Reading helps too.

Sounds like you're on the right path anyway :)

04-03-20, 10:10
No the getting up never worked for me and made me anxious as hell as you feel like you're the only one on the planet awake. It's easier just laying there and not getting involved with it. Doesn't help with sleeping though but does stop me getting worked up.

04-03-20, 16:37
I would estimate this happens to about 75% of people who have/had anxiety.

Try and remember that anxiety doesn't always provide you with immediate feedback, and just because you don't 'feel' anxious right now, it doesn't mean your CNS isn't still reeling from what happened weeks/months before.

In my experience, your book is suggesting the right approach. You can't fight insomnia, you just have to learn to live with it until it passes. I also read a lot of information about dealing with insomnia and something that often worked for me was just getting up and walking around for 5 minutes, or getting a drink of water etc. Reading helps too.

Sounds like you're on the right path anyway :)

75%??? I would say 90%.