View Full Version : Harsh Words

08-10-07, 14:12
Hello everybody,:shrug: :shrug:

I need to vent. I wasn't going to post this, then decided what the heck.So here goes.

Have you been the victom of harsh words? Has somebody you thought was your friend said mean things to you. Did you doubt yourself after wards. Have wondered what did I do to deserve this?

Well I now find myself there, I have tried very hard to help this person and had to cut myself off, because I found that the negatives were dragging me down. But I wasn't mean about the cut off, I just started limiting my time with this person. They seem to think that I should only be there for them and not care about anybody else an that includes myself. An now I find myself totally blown away at what that person has said to me.

I hope that you can help here, I am at a total lost.

I hope that I haven't spoken harsh to anybody here and if I hurt your feelings then I am very sorry, I have never meant to do that to anybody.

Take Care

I Believe That In Time We All Can Get Better.:flowers:

08-10-07, 14:52
Hi Believe,

Sometimes we need to take a step back even from people we love. If you were feeling pulled down and used then you were certainly right to take a step back to enable to you look after yourself.

I'm sorry if your friend was nasty about it and maybe took your concern the wrong way but your main priority has to be YOU!.

Maybe you could write your friend a letter just highlighting how you have been feeling in yourself recently, and hopefully when they have calmed down and read your side of things, they may realise how unkind those harsh words really were!.

Best of luck
Love Lisa

08-10-07, 15:28
HI Believe

I agree with bottle blonde, you DO have to take a step back from people especially if they are dragging you down which with anxiety you don't need.

I doubt for one minute that you have been rude about easing the freindship off so DON'T feel guilty.
Seems to me that if she has taken this attitude with you she couldn't have been much of a friend to YOU.:blush:

if she can't apreciate that you need time away from people then She is the one with the problem not you, so don't go giving youself reasons to feel guilty ok:hugs: :hugs:

08-10-07, 15:29
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: ((((((((((((TINA)))))))))))):hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Just wanted you to know we have spoken about this and i too was horrified at how these harsh words were said to you, and so cruel and untrue too hun.

You are a lovely caring lady who goes out of her way to help others and unfortunately some take advantage of that good nature.

Well my dear friend across the pond I for one will always be here for you, and am pleased that you decided to vent and get this off your chest and not let it eat away at you, you are doing so well hun and we are so proud of you :yesyes: :yesyes:

Well enough waffle from me,if ever you need me you know where i am (in your pocket lol)

Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:


08-10-07, 15:34
Thanks sooooo much . That has made me feel much better. An We All Will Just Keep Keeping Onwards.
Take Care

09-10-07, 11:09
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend hurting you.http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g3/ksriver80/h/05.gif

Yes I to have been a victim of harsh words! We always tend to hurt the ones we love or are close to really which is crazy huh! I think you should definately explain to your friend how much she hurt you and perhaps if she realises this things will improve.

I do hope things get sorted hun.

I often find I get hurt very easily as I can be so over sensitive at times which is so very frustrating!http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_9_15v.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

Take Care,:flowers:

Love & Wishes,

Pip's X X X X

09-10-07, 11:15
hey sweety
you have helped me a great deal always been there for me but i would never say harsh things if you felt you needed space and i am sorry to hear that someone else did.
i don't know what they said but mystics knows and says not true and i agree you are a loving kind person that most of the time helps all of us but like the rest of us the other time is our time to help you, i hope that your friend can see that you were hurting aswell and needed them to be strong for once

believe you are lovely and a huge friend of mine i like to think

take care and i hope all turns out well


09-10-07, 11:26
Yeah ive had it plenty of times


09-10-07, 14:05
Yup. I think everyone has been a victim of this at times. The trick is to not let youself be a victim. Take the advice of Lisa, take a step back and realize that your life is about YOU. Live it the way you want and make every moment of it a happy one for YOU.


09-10-07, 14:46
hello tina
ive found over the yrs people can take advantage of people like us meaning we our givers too much at times.....but i believe you truly did the best thing by cuttin this person off if this person was only negative towards you...to get over or even better in what we have and what we deal with day in day out we need to surround postive people around us...everyone does.....you seem to be a positive person tina and i wish you the best,you did what was needed to be done..wish ya the best.........Linda

09-10-07, 15:05
Thanks so much everybody. I am glade that I posted this and that I feel alot
better about it now. I have learned alot from this and will make sure to be more careful. Take Care and Thanks Again

I Believe That We All Will Get Better