View Full Version : Just Having Anxiety Today Need Some Insight

05-03-20, 01:01
Okay so I was sick with the flu like 2/12 and then saw my doctor because I wasn’t getting better and ended up with a bacterial infection and put on antibiotics. Well it didn’t go away and now I’m on another set of antibiotics and it’s exhausting. This whole Coronavirus thing is making my health anxiety so bad and I can’t seem to get a handle on it. An older man died at a hospital down the street in my town from it and now 15 people are quarantined. And I’m spiraling. Someone said dogs can have it and my dog like hacked near me and I feel like a droplet got into my eye and I’m just in a full blown panic. It’s been almost a month of not feeling well and out of my routine that keeps my head clear and I just can’t get ahold of my anxiety. Am I being ridiculous for worrying like I am?

05-03-20, 02:59
Dogs don't "have it", unless their human already does and the virus sits on their fur.

If you're concerned about it, call your doctor again. Statistically speaking though, despite the cases in your area, unlikely to be covid-19. And if you tested positive for the flu earlier, it's highly highly unlikely you have both.

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