View Full Version : Abdominal CT Scan

06-03-20, 22:24
My dr just ordered an abdominal and pelvic CT scan for abdominal pain. I already had an ultrasound which was easy, but I'm more scared about the CT Scan. I'm scared of needles so I'm worried about the IV, also worried that I won't be able to drink the barium the night before. And obviously scared of the results. The next step if this doesn't show anything, or if the results indicate it, is a colonoscopy, and I don't want to do that. On the one hand I hope the CT scan picks up something that will be easy to fix, on the other hand what if it's something big and serious! The appointment isn't until the 16th since I have to wait for insurance to approve, so that's a nice long time to wait. Any words of encouragement? If you've done this procedure how was it?

06-03-20, 22:26
Did they say you had to drink barium the night before?

With the needles - just look away and don't watch.

06-03-20, 22:37
Yes, I have to pick up the barium the day before, drink half in the evening and half the morning before the scan.
I should actually ask if this is in place of an injected contrast, but I assume they do both?

06-03-20, 22:47
Oh ok not heard of that

Well you have to do what they want you do to I guess

18-03-20, 22:26
I wanted to post my experience in case others are searching for answers.

The barium liquid wasn’t too bad. It tasted like pepto bismol. I had to drink 3 cups (about 8 oz each) one the night before, one in the morning, and one right before the scan. I couldn’t finish the last one because I felt sick but they said that was ok.
The IV hurt a little going in, same as getting bloodwork, but the contrast injection was fine. I tasted something bitter and felt like I wet my pants but that was it. The scan itself was easy. It’s not confining and you just have to lay very still. They gave me a blanket to make me more comfortable. It took about 10 minutes.

After the scan I felt sick to my stomach and had some diarrhea from the barium, but I was better the next day. So far I haven’t experienced the white poops some people have after barium!

I got results back today. I have a small benign cyst on my liver, nothing concerning. There was nothing to explain my digestive symptoms but it’s reassuring to know there’s nothing serious.

06-12-20, 22:29
I wanted to post my experience in case others are searching for answers.

The barium liquid wasn’t too bad. It tasted like pepto bismol. I had to drink 3 cups (about 8 oz each) one the night before, one in the morning, and one right before the scan. I couldn’t finish the last one because I felt sick but they said that was ok.
The IV hurt a little going in, same as getting bloodwork, but the contrast injection was fine. I tasted something bitter and felt like I wet my pants but that was it. And also this https://writemyessay4me.org/research-paper helpful site The scan itself was easy. It’s not confining and you just have to lay very still. They gave me a blanket to make me more comfortable. It took about 10 minutes.

After the scan I felt sick to my stomach and had some diarrhea from the barium, but I was better the next day. So far I haven’t experienced the white poops some people have after barium!

I got results back today. I have a small benign cyst on my liver, nothing concerning. There was nothing to explain my digestive symptoms but it’s reassuring to know there’s nothing serious.

thank you for sharing it, really helped me get hold of myself

09-02-21, 04:23
You can also do x-ray Bussleton (https://www.apexradiology.com.au/clinic-locator/busselton-health-campus/) as it can also help in determining certain health problems. It is less expensive and very accurate too.