View Full Version : Sudden fatigue/bladder pressure/hip pain/bloating

07-03-20, 07:45
Hi guys, I’ve just been to the GP today mainly because I feel absolutely exhausted and it’s really messing with me. My arms feel weak and shaky and I feel like it’s a task even having to type this post! I’ve been like this for the past few days which is very new to me. It’s hard to drag myself out of bed. I also have bad left side hip and flank pain and a slight burning feeling in my pelvis. Also been having chills frequently too. Constant pressure on my bladder and needing to wee all the time!! I did a urine sample at the doctors today and also having bloods done and a glucose test on Monday (I had gestational diabetes with my pregnancy four years ago and have never followed up with checks afterwards). Does this sound like a UTI?? Or something more serious? I’m also very bloated and look like I’m about five months pregnant by the end of the day (def not pregnant). Have also been suffering from alternating constipation and diarreah :( I’m starting to feel really panicked by this and actually on the verge of having a panic attack right now :(

07-03-20, 08:00
It could be loads of things, so it’s great you had tests done.
I’d hate to speculate though because that might just worry you more! (Not that I’m speculating anything bad!). What is your fear and what did your doctor say?

07-03-20, 08:00
Good morning rhianna_s

what did your Doctor say? I am assuming that you asked that question of him "does this sound like a UTI or something more serious?"

I am not being critical, I have dreadful HA myself, and know how very hard it is to put things into perspective, but I know that I would be asking him / her "what do you think it is, what are you testing me for......" etc and then I would be able to focus on that rather than still worrying about the unknown.

I am seeing my GP on Thursday, I have a huge confidence issue, so truly I know where you are coming from.

Take care, D x

07-03-20, 11:02
My fear is cancer! And my mind immediately goes to ovarian cancer because I have all of the symptoms. I did however have a blood test last year including the one that looks for ovarian cancer and it all came back fine. The doctor palpated my stomach and he said it all felt normal. He seems to think it’s a UTI but I’m still so worried. I’ve never felt this drained or exhausted before

07-03-20, 11:05
Thank you D. I did ask, the thing is he knows I have health anxiety and that I’m always worried about cancer. He gave me a referral for an ultrasound so “it will put my mind at ease” but he did say it sounds like a UTI. I just don’t know if the fatigue I’m feeling is normal

10-03-20, 22:53
Okay so urine test results were normal. So no UTI. What else could be causing these symptoms other than ovarian cancer?? I have every single symptom!