View Full Version : Getting over the anxiety habit?

07-03-20, 13:51
So I had a rough 6 months with anxiety. Since February though its basically gone. I am constantly checking in to see how I am feeling through habit, of course I am fine but its almost like I want something to worry about. I still think about anxiety all the time even though its gone. I've noticed when I am at work all this stops, I am totally consumed with what I am doing, the thought of anxiety never crosses my mind, but when I get home the checking in and thinking about starts again, weekends are also a pain. Its the same with the insomnia that was caused by anxiety, its gone now but i still think and worry about it happening every evening. Its just so hard to get off the subject even though its gone.

Is this normal or how long does this last?

07-03-20, 19:08
Is this normal or how long does this last?

Yes it's normal, but it's impossible to say how long it lasts. That depends entirely on how you process leaving anxiety behind. In fact you never leave anxiety behind because anxiety is part of being human.

The first thing to do is probably stop checking how you are feeling. That in itself is an anxiety behaviour. You say your anxiety is basically gone, but perhaps you mean the worst of it has gone?

The thing to practice now is really letting go and accepting that you are where you are. If you find yourself checking, go and do something else. Stop saying 'it's hard'. We all know it's hard, but saying it is just re-confirms in your mind it's stronger than you are, and it's not.

If I had to put a number on it, I'd say I was about 18 months into recovery and 95% there. However, this last few weeks has been extra stressful and I had a massive surge of anxiety when I was out having a curry the other night, so much so that I had to leave. I haven't had to do that in over a year. I was fine by the time I got home and haven't thought about it since...it's about just letting sh1t go. It took me a long time to get there though, and practicing NOT ruminating on every little thing is the only way forward.

And meditate. Learn how to meditate. Nothing is more potent in dealing with anxiety than meditation. And yes, that's hard too.