View Full Version : No more Xanax!!

08-10-07, 18:31
Hi everyone! I haven't posted here in a long time. I had to come back today because I have been travelling for the last two weeks, and for the first time in 5 years, I didn't need Xanax to get on an airplane!! It's not flying I was afraid of - I have (had?) agoraphobia and was terrified of being in any place I couldn't get out of in case of a panic attack. I could not get on a plane, train, bus, or even a car (if I thought I might get stuck in traffic) for years without medication.

I have felt like I was getting better for some time now....going to the movies without a problem, for example. But the real proof was two weeks ago when I was on a plane, in mid-air, when I realized I hadn't taken my Xanax and didn't need it.

There is hope. I don't know what brought on my anxiety and panic in the first place, and I don't know what is making it better. I just know it is better and I wanted to share it with this forum which was so helpful to me when I was at my lowest point. :)

ETA: This wasn't just any flight. It was 13 hours in economy class from San Francisco to Sydney. NO XANAX! (Also, I must admit, I still carry Xanax with me. Leaving it at home will be my next big challenge.:) )

08-10-07, 22:14
H Lilith

What a fantastic achievement for you hun !:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Gosh i only have to look at a areoplane and i go dizzy !!!:ohmy:

You did good gal !:yesyes: :yesyes: Keep up the good work !!:yesyes:
