View Full Version : Hi

08-10-07, 21:51
Hi, firstly Id like to say I am glad to have found this site. :)

Im a 25 year old guy from London and have phobia of public places and meeting new people. I had it in my late teens but managed to brush it aside thanks to having friends who always wanted to go out and about everyday. Thanks to that I never felt too isolated and managed to beat the anxiety before it ever became too much for me to handle. About a year after that it started up again after some brief stress from money/work issues, friends were alot busier with uni and work and things slowly but surely caved in on me. At my worst I was too anxious to even have my friends visit me at home, let alone go out and enjoy myself.

After a very brief stint on medication (2 weeks) I decided that wasnt the route for me. I thought I would try to combat the anxiety myself and that if I took very small steps I would be able to handle normal everyday routines again. The lack of motivation you sometimes feel when you are afraid to partake in everyday activities, brushing your ambitions to the side to avoid the main issue; 4 years passed and I am not much better off.

I've managed to make a few improvements over that time, but nothing near what I originally thought I would be able to do. A part of me even feels that I have just been putting the entire thing off. The part I dislike the most is the social phobia, being afraid to meet new friends, or even see friends of friends that I have already met in the past. Recently I have tried hard to combat against it, but it leaves me feeling a lot more drained and anxious in places where it would not normally be an issue.

And Im not normally this sombre, I think just finding this site and reading through some introduction threads, seeing other people that face the same everyday problems as me, it has set something off in me for today. I'll be looking to make maximum use of this site, Id been looking for a place like this for quite a while but my Googling skills are obviously not quite as good as Id imagined. :winks:

The site is added to my favourites and I'll be around. Id like to salute the admin for making the site available and the great articles Ive already found in my short time here, and the community who all seem like great people.

Cheers :yesyes:

08-10-07, 22:11
Hello Michael:welcome:to you!

Glad you found us!

Quite a few here have tried CBT - I'm sure you'll get plenty of responses to your post!

I'm sure you'll also make new friends here - we're all in the same boat trying to keep afloat....and some have even made it to dry land !!

Plenty of help and support too!

Pleased to meet you!


08-10-07, 23:44
Hey mike :)

glad you found the site! sometimes just knowing there are people who you can talk to about this kinda stuff and who know what your going through helps!

See you around, im sure you'll find it really friendly here :)

09-10-07, 01:18
Hello Mike And Welcome To The Site......linda

09-10-07, 08:19
Hi Mike,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

09-10-07, 17:34
Hi Michael

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

We have a lovely supportive community here and you will meet some fantastic people.

Why not pop in the chat room one evening and see how you get on in there.

09-10-07, 17:37

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxx

09-10-07, 18:52
welcome michael- this is a great site with loads of great people

linda xx

09-10-07, 20:39
Hi Mike

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


10-10-07, 10:46

Im also new good luck and keep using this site its fantastic x

10-10-07, 22:49
Hi Mike and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)