View Full Version : Have Trapped Gas/Constipation. IBS???

09-03-20, 13:30
Hello everyone,

So this morning, I feel like I have trapped gas in my abdomen/stomach area. I also I feel like I cannot pass a bowel movement. I burp when I drink water too. The only thing I can think of is that I had coffee and oatmeal for breakfast and a nutrition bar. Maybe these things messed up my stomach.

This has been part of a longer term pattern though. I seem to be really gassy or the gas is trapped and I can't pass it. I have heard IBS is like that. Perhaps I have a case of it.

Does anyone have any insight??

10-03-20, 01:07
The gas pain has dissipated somewhat but now my mind is jumping to concisions like Gallstones or even Colon Cancer

A lot more people in their twenties and thirties. Just thinking about it makes me more anxious.

10-03-20, 04:03
Gallstones does not feel like trapped gas and you don’t have colon cancer. Try some Gas X, it works fairly well for gas pain.

10-03-20, 13:30
Gallstones does not feel like trapped gas and you don’t have colon cancer. Try some Gas X, it works fairly well for gas pain.

What should I do about the constipation I have? I haven't passed a BM since Saturday.

10-03-20, 14:11
Gas pains have subsided today but still feel constipated. It's weird. I have had some coffee this morning but still feel like I can't go. It's so annoying.

10-03-20, 15:47
Take a stool softener or laxative. I usually use either miralax or milk of magnesia because those help you go without all cramping, you can try any laxative that doesn’t have stimulant to avoid all the bloating, gas and cramping.

10-03-20, 16:42
Take a stool softener or laxative. I usually use either miralax or milk of magnesia because those help you go without all cramping, you can try any laxative that doesn’t have stimulant to avoid all the bloating, gas and cramping.

I did pass a small amount this morning but they had mucus on them.

It seems like every year I have these episodes of constipation.

Do I need to consult my doctor before taking miralax or milk of magnesia?

10-03-20, 17:22
I did pass a small amount this morning but they had mucus on them.

It seems like every year I have these episodes of constipation.

Do I need to consult my doctor before taking miralax or milk of magnesia?

Mucus is common when constipated, laxatives are available over the counter. If you don’t have any of the conditions listed in the booklet there’s usually no need to consult a doctor before taking a laxative. If it becomes an ongoing problem it might be worth having a chat to see if there’s anything more they suggest.

I deal with constipation pretty much all the time, walking, fluids, take a look at your diet as all of these can help move things along even if the constipation is due to medication (mines a combination of medication and ibs)

Positive vibes,


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11-03-20, 04:43
No, you do not need to contact your doctor about the laxatives as they are over the counter and mucous in the stool is a common finding especially if one is constipated or has diarrhea.

11-03-20, 04:50
No, you do not need to contact your doctor about the laxatives as they are over the counter and mucous in the stool is a common finding especially if one is constipated or has diarrhea.

so I passed a BM this evening. Stool was normal. No blood.

Still feel bloated though as I lay down to go to bed.

I will try and exercise tomorrow and see if that helps.

12-03-20, 23:32
So the past few days I have passed a BM each day. Stool was normal no blood or anything but if was small. I exercised today and ran 3 miles. Felt bloated tbh but not too bad.

I feel like I have some constipation left but overall I feel a little bit better.

I am still concerned that I may have some underlying illness causing the constipation...

13-03-20, 01:31
Constipation is common and everyone will it experience it at one time or another, it’s uncomfortable but it’s really not a sign of anything ominous. Have you tried to take a stool softener or some mild laxatives? You may still be a bit backed up. Try adding some extra fiber to your diet, fiber can keep you regular.

14-03-20, 14:47
Constipation is common and everyone will it experience it at one time or another, it’s uncomfortable but it’s really not a sign of anything ominous. Have you tried to take a stool softener or some mild laxatives? You may still be a bit backed up. Try adding some extra fiber to your diet, fiber can keep you regular.

so the past few days I have passed BM’s. This morning and yesterday morning I passed two. I had coffee and oatmeal for breakfast. Feel like I am getting a bit better. Less trapped gas. Less bloating. I noticed popcorn is a trigger for me. Gives me gas.

I have more pressing problems however. A person at my work was exposed to COVID-19. Now I am concerned I might have it.