View Full Version : Diabeties

09-10-07, 08:51
has anyone got diabeties? diet control or injection?

we think my husband is developing it and he is going back to the docs to be tested. i was wondering what it was like controlling it? what sorts of foods you are allowed to eat?

i know this isnt stricly panic but its worryign the crap outta me and the more i know the better i will feel.


09-10-07, 11:28
Hi There:D

Im diabetic and its controlled by medication

I eat pretty much what I like, obviously you have to go easy on sweet stuff but once they get the med level right it looks after itself

Its a good job the doctors are on to it in your hubby now cos mine went undiagnosed for years and as a result I have diabetic neuropathy in my feet which means they are totally numb!!!

Im sure it will all be fine and if I can help any further then shout!!

Luv Kaz x

09-10-07, 17:02
can you remember what symptoms you got that alerted them? also thanks this is really helpful.


09-10-07, 17:36
Hi again:D

I have to say I had no symptoms, the fact I was diabetic was picked up when I was in hospital for a blood transfusion due to anemia!!!

With hindsight tho I was drinking copious quantities of water weeing a lot and I was overweight!!!

My feet went numb some years before I was diagnosed but my gp told me they werent numb and I was being paraniod!!!

Oh and also I had painful boils and spots but they still never checked for diabetes!!!

Try not to worry about hubby cos although when you are first diagnosed it seems like a big deal it really isent I promise, I take my meds and dont really give it too much thought!!!

Here if you wanna ask anything else

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: